1. Already at age 26, had incited to the April 1920 violent riots upon Jews.
[ Charles Hamilton, "Leaders and Personalities of the Third Reich, Their Biographies, Portraits and Autographs," 1984, p.472.]
2. Pushed to the Hebron 1929 massacre where an Arab "mob slaughtered 63 Jews while over 400 were saved by local Arab families." (The victims were pious non-Zionists).
['This Week in History: The 1929 Hebron Massacre,' by Micharl Omer-Man, Jerusalem Post, Aug. 26, 2011] , ['MOSLEMS DENOUNCE MUFTI OF PALESTINE; Opposition Group Holds Him Responsible for the Recent Jewish-Arab Clashes. AMBITION GIVEN AS MOTIVE Populace Growing impatient at the Decay in Punishing Those Guilty of Attacks.' By Joseph M. Levy. Staff Correspondent of the New York Times, Sept. 19, 1929]
3. Helped in Nazi pushed Arab massacre of Jews in Iraq 1941 (by Arab-Nazi Futuwwa under Rashid 'Ali). The FARHUD, where between 180-780 Jews died, 1,000 injured.
[Edwin Black : 'The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance During the Holocaust,' C-Span, Dec.19.2010], ['When Nazism met Arabism. When Baghdad Burned: The June 1941 Farhud Massacre.' E. Black , Israel National News, 27/05/15 16:44], ['By the Rivers of Babylon,' Khalid Kishtainy, Quartet, 2008, pp.76,90], ['Farhud memories: Baghdad's 1941 slaughter of the Jews.' By Sarah EhrlichReporter, Witness, BBC, 1 June 2011], [Carole L. Basri: 'The Jews of Iraq: A Forgotten Case of Ethnic Cleansing,' 2003, p.12]
4. In organizing SS Nazi Muslim division in Yugoslavia especially detriment to Hungarian Jews.
['The Arab chapter of the Holocaust,' By Dr. M. Kedar, IsraelHayom, May, 2, 2019] And to Christians in the Balkan ['Britain's Moment in Palestine: Retrospect and Perspectives, 1917-1948,' Michael J Cohen, Routledge, Feb 24, 2014 , p.433]
5. Met Adolf Hitler in November-28-1941,
whose agents had to convince themselves he is not "pure arab" in blood ['The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives,' Gilbert Achcar, Henry Holt and Company, Apr 27, 2010, p.156] yet, the nazi leader still refused to shake his hand ['Britain's Unfulfilled Mandate for Palestine,' Nick Reynold, Lexington Books, Jun 12, 2014, p.237] or drink coffee with him ['The Evasive Neutral: Germany, Britain, and the Quest for a Turkish Alliance in the Second World War,' Frank G. Weber, University of Missouri Press, 1979, p.104] for considering Arabs inferior. They agreed on cooperation against Jews. ['The Mufti of Jerusalem,' Philip Mattar, 1992, p.102]
6. Broadcasted over the airways to the Muslim world anti Jewish incitement to kill Jews.
['A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad,' David Patterson, Cambridge University Press, Oct 18, 2010, p.258], ['Jihad and International Security' J. Roshandel, S. Chadha, 2006, p.31], ['The Control Factor: Our Struggle to See the True Threat,' Bill Siegel, 2012, p.114]
7. Prevented rescue of children of Bialystok, 1943
['The Jews of Bialystok During World War II and the Holocaust,' Sara Bender, UPNE, 2008, p.273], ['Jews for Sale?: Nazi-Jewish Negotiations, 1933-1945,' p.88 Yehuda Bauer, Yale University Press, 1994]
8. Under his leadership, the 1944 Atlas-Operation failed, where (some estimate) "a quarter of million people would have died if the plot had succeeded".
['Hitler's war against Jews continues in 'Palestine',' by Richard Mather, Jerusalem Post, March.11.2015]
9. For 6 months, in 1943, he kept urging the Nazis to bomb Tel Aviv, Jerusalem.
[The Record of Collaboration of King Farouk of Egypt with the Nazis and Their Ally, the Mufti: The Official Nazi Records of the King's Alliance and the Mufti's Plans for Bombing Jerusalem and Tel Aviv: Memorandum Submitted to the United Nations, June, 1948. Nation Associates (New York, N.Y.), United Nations. Nation Associates, 1948.
Shelomo Alfassa: 'Reference Guide to the Nazis and Arabs During the Holocaust. A Concise Guide to the Relationship and Conspiracy of the Nazis and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in North Africa and the Middle East During the Era of the Holocaust'. International Sephardic Leadership Council, 2006. pp. 15-17
... that the Mufti for the past six months had been proposing an attack on Jerusalem and the Headquarters of the Jewish Agency by air and an attack on Tel Aviv...]
10. He revived the old boodlibel.
['David G. Dalin, John F. Rothmann, Alan M. Dershowitz, 'Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam,' 2009, p. 115]
11. He visited Nazi Concentration Camps - had a "tour" by Nazi officials

Photographic Evidence Shows Palestinian Leader Amin al-Husseini at a Nazi Concentration Camp
An analysis of photographs sold at a Jerusalem auction house offers new insight into the role of foreign accomplices in Hitler’s Final Solution
By Wolfgang G. Schwanitz. Apr. 07, 2021
[...] al-Husseini’s written pact with the Nazis, and now the pictures of his visit to a concentration camp, and his subsequent close involvement with the Final Solution, show beyond any doubt that the Palestinian leader wanted the Jews of the Mideast to share the same fate as the Jews of Europe. On that fateful Friday, Hitler explained the nature of this joint course to him in detail, and he fully agreed to it.
Due to this new photographic evidence explained here, it seems that the last word should belong to the Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal, who asserted that the grand mufti met Hitler several times and that the mufti had visited a concentration camp as part of a commission or group. Wiesenthal has been proven correct—although he may have had yet another group visit in mind.
The Central European Observer - Volume 23 - Page 213 - 1946
K. SCHWARZ ... On March 1, 1944, the Mufti called upon his Arab followers in a radio address to "kill the Jews wherever you find them.
Mufti of Jerusalem; the story of Haj Amin el Husseini - Moshe Pearlman
V Gollancz, 1947 - Palestine - 91 pages
"Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases G. (Allah), history and religion."
More on Mufti / Hitler 1941 meeting
Gilbert Achcar: 'The Arabs and the Holocaust,' 2010, p.156:
... that the mufti had “Aryan” blood in his veins... Supposedly shows.
The Evasive Neutral: Germany, Britain, and the Quest for a Turkish Alliance in the Second World War - Frank G. Weber - 1979 - Page 104
Though he knew coffee drinking customarily accompanied all polite discussion in the Middle East , Hitler neglected to have even one cup served and substituted barley water instead. He... refused to endorse the cause of Arab independence and left his guest confused and mortified.
That the Nazis / Hitler/Eichmann did not need any influence from the Mufti to try to exterminate all Jews is clear. But it appears he was trying to "help," nevertheless.
Eichmann: Master of the Nazi Murder Machine - World Jewish Congress - 1961
Master of the Nazi Murder Machine World Jewish Congress. Cooperation between Eichmann and the Grand Mufti has already been mentioned . ... the Grand Mufti , who lived in Berlin from 1941, constantly incited Eichmann to accelerate the extermination measures against the Jews ... The Eichmann Trial and Jewish History ... The Nuremberg trials , through depositions, documents ...
Jerusalem Post Opinion Op-Ed Contributors
The Grand Mufti’s Nazi connection
By EDY COHEN APRIL 7, 2014 21:43
It’s no coincidence that just a few months after Nazi Germany surrendered, on November 2, 1945, the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, many synagogues were burned down in Egypt and dozens of Jews were killed on the streets of Cairo.
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On November 5, 1941, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, arrived in Berlin. He was fleeing Iraq following the failure of the coup he was involved in there, and three weeks later he met with Adolf Hitler. The meeting took place despite Nazi Germany’s entanglement in Operation Barbarossa and the war against Russia.
The Nazis appointed the mufti “Das Arabische Buro Der Grossmufti” of Berlin and gave him a monthly allowance of tens of thousands of dollars a month. He was instructed to hire dozens of assistants, each of whom also received a salary directly from the Third Reich. Among the individuals with whom he worked closely during his time in Berlin was Hassan Salameh – the father of the Palestinian terrorist Ali Salameh (aka “the Red Prince”), one of the perpetrators of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre of Israeli athletes.
In his new position, the mufti was placed in charge of the Nazi’s Arabic-language radio station, that broadcast anti-Semitic propaganda in Arabic from 1939 until the Nazi party collapsed in 1945. This radio station was highly popular and could be heard throughout the Middle East. The mufti was also responsible for disseminating written Nazi propaganda in Arabic designed to encourage protests against British and French occupation.
The mufti lived in Germany until May 1945, when the Second World War came to an end. Throughout this entire period, the mufti was involved in espionage, sabotage, terrorist activity against the British and the Jews, as well as anti-Semitic propaganda.
As part of his alleged struggle for independence for the Palestinian people, the mufti attempted to prevent the arrival of European Jews to Palestine, as well as the establishment of a national Jewish homeland in the Land of Israel. At least that’s what he claimed in his memoirs.
But this is far from the truth. In actuality, the mufti was constantly engaged in the deportation and extermination of Jews from Arab countries and from Palestine.
I recently discovered documents that attest to the depth of the Arab world’s animosity toward the Jews and how the Arabs incited against the Jews and spread propaganda. Many people have asked just how closely the mufti identified conceptually and practically to the Nazi approach regarding the extermination of the Jewish people.
There are recordings of the mufti broadcasting from Berlin to the Arab world in Arabic, in which he says, “Kill the Jews wherever you find them – this is God’s will.”
On November 2, 1943 – the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration – the mufti organized a protest in Berlin in which thousands of Muslim immigrants to Germany participated. The following is an excerpt from the speech the mufti gave at the protest: “26 years ago the Jews received the Balfour Declaration so they could build a national Jewish homeland. The British betrayed the Arabs and Islam by supporting the Jews. Jews are selfish.
They think they are the chosen people and that all the other people of the world are meant to serve them. The Jews are the enemy of Islam – they are the ones killed the prophet Mohammad!” The Mufti continues, “The Jewish British minister [Benjamin] Disraeli bought the Suez Canal, thus paving the way for the British to conquer Egypt. And Algerian Jews helped France occupy Algeria. ...The Arabs – and especially the Muslims – must expel the Jews from Arab countries.
This is the ultimate solution.
The "prophet" Mohammad used this solution 1,300 years ago.
“The Treaty of Versailles was a disaster for Germany and for the Arabs, but the Germans know how to get rid of the Jews, and this is why the Arab world has such close relations with Germany.
Germany never harmed the Muslims and is fighting against our common enemy – the Jews.
The most important thing is that they have found the final solution to the Jewish problem. Time is working against the Jews even though the Allies are helping them.”
According to the mufti’s memoirs, he was aware of the Final Solution already in the summer of 1943.
On March 19, 1943, the mufti made a speech from the Islamic Mosque in Berlin in honor of the prophet Mohammad’s birthday, during which he said, “The Jews have managed to use their influence to control the British and the Americans. This is proven by the recent passing of a bill in Congress allowing the Jews to build a national homeland in Palestine.
“The Jews took advantage of the previous war to settle in the Holy Land. The Jews are a threat not just in Palestine, but in every Arab country, since this is where the Allies plan to resettle the millions of Jews who were expelled from Europe. The Arabs must fight with all their strength to put an end to this plot.”
From the above, we can clearly conclude that the mufti was aware of the Final Solution and the plan to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe from the beginning of the war. There is also documentation showing that the mufti toured concentration camps in Poland with Heinrich Himmler. Killing European Jews was not good enough for the mufti, though, and so he planned to kill all the Jews in the Arab world and in Palestine. While the mufti publicly called for Arab countries to expel Jews living in them, he secretly planned to build extermination camps for Jews from Arab countries and Palestine, so that he could implement the Final Solution in the Middle East.
Haviv Kanaan, who was a researcher, journalist and police commander during the British Mandate, wrote many books about Nazi propaganda. After he retired from the Police, Kanaan began working as a journalist for Haaretz and researching the construction of the concentration camps in Palestine and uncovered the mufti’s plan to build incinerators in the Dotan Valley. Kanaan based his conclusion on the testimony of Faiz Bay Idrisi, who was a senior Arab officer in the Mandate Police and a Jerusalem area district commander.
Idrisi is quoted as saying, “Chills go through my body even today as I recall what I heard back then from police officials and mufti supporters [when General Field Marshal Erwin Rommel was about to enter Egypt as part of the 1942 El Alamein campaign].
Haj Amin Husseini was preparing to enter Jerusalem at the head of the Muslim Arab Legion squadron he’d created for the army of the Third Reich. The mufti’s grand plan was to build huge Auschwitz- like crematoria near Nablus, to which Jews from Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and North Africa would be sent and then be gassed, just like the Jews were by the SS in Europe.”
Kanaan also tells how once, when he was carrying out his research, he met a retired German diplomat who had refused to join the Nazi Party. He told Kanaan, “I cannot say with certainty what lay in store for the Jews living in the Land of Israel, but I do know that their entire existence would have been at stake had Rommel succeeded in conquering the Middle East.”
Kanaan’s full-length study was published in Haaretz on March 2, 1970. Kanaan wrote a book about the El Alamein campaign called 200 days of fear – the Land of Israel against Rommel’s Army, in which he describes how the Jews in Palestine prepared for a possible Nazi attack from Egypt.
To collect information about the mufti’s plans, Kanaan traveled to Germany where he met with officials who were knowledgeable about them. In fact, after the defeat in the summer of 1942 at El Alamein as well as on other fronts, the mufti realized that the Third Reich’s days were numbered, and so he prepared another plan: conquest of the Middle East by the Nazi army, whose first order of business would be the annihilation of the 250,000 Jews in Tel Aviv. The mufti believed that the extermination of the Jews would stimulate the Arabs in Palestine and Egypt to revolt against the British and carry out a jihad (holy war).
These holy warriors would release the Arabs from tyranny of British and French colonialism.
Kanaan uncovered proof that the Germans invested heavily in this program and even established spy networks throughout the Arab world. Kanaan describes how senior German officials such as Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Goering took part in these discussions, although Hitler himself was never involved. The fact that most Arab countries were pro-British made it quite difficult to implement this program, and then the Third Reich began to collapse on all fronts, making it practically impossible.
It’s no coincidence that just a few months after Nazi Germany surrendered, on November 2, 1945, the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, many synagogues were burned down in Egypt and dozens of Jews were killed on the streets of Cairo.
And it was also no coincidence that on that same day, hundreds of Jews in Libya were killed, nine synagogues were desecrated, and hundreds of Jewish homes and shops were looted and burned down. There is no doubt that these attacks on Egyptian and Libyan Jews, which took place exactly on the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, were the result of the mufti’s machinations and his influence on leaders of the Arab world. These events were the direct consequence of propaganda the mufti had been circulating for years. Generations of Muslims, including the Salameh family, were being raised on such beliefs. The mufti’s actions had prepared the ground for attacks on Jews in Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.
A plan to compensate Jews who escaped from Arab countries due to harassment and persecution is currently being discussed in the Knesset and in coordination with the US government. It’s important that Israeli politicians not only understand the historical background that led up to the displacement of Jews from Arab counties, but also the direct connection between their fate and what the Palestinians call the Nakba.
Translated by Hannah Hochner.
Children of Bialystok
Jews for Sale?: Nazi-Jewish Negotiations, 1933-1945 - Yehuda Bauer · 1994 · History - p.88
... 1,000 Bialystok children did arrive in Theresienstadt in August. Eichmann vetoed the idea of emigrating these Jerusalem, the leader of the Arab Palestinian national movement, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who had fled to Germany in 1941 was opposed..
The Jews of Bialystok During World War II and the Holocaust - Sara Bender · 2008 · History - p.272-3
Shprung testified: “After about three days, the children began to forget the traumas of the past few days. ... intervention of Haj Amin al- Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem, was no doubt a significant contributory factor. Dieter Wisliceny , Adolf Eichmann's aide, appearing after the war as a witness for the prosecution in the Nuremberg trials
testified on July 15, 1946, that Eichmann was willing to discuss the transfer of Jewish children to Palestine and that even Himmler was prepared to do so, following overtures by the International Red Cross.
At the trial, Wisliceny reported that Eichmann ordered the transfer of 10,000 Jewish children from Poland to Theresienstadt The order had already been partly implemented when Wisliceny was suddenly recalled to Berlin, to be informed by Eichmann that Himmler had changed his mind. This change of mind. This change of mind was apparently the result of vehement opposition by the mufti of Jerusalem, who argued that the children would in a few years' time bolster the Jewish presence in Palestine.
The Nazis, with the help of an Arab cleric, used Islamic extremists as a tool
It didn’t end well for anyone
Louis Anslow
Apr 7, 2017 · 3 min read
Adolf Hitler talking to Grand Mufti Haj Amin el Husseini Keystone / Getty Images
When the Nazis heard Mohammed Amin al-Husseini calling for Arabs to “kill the jews wherever you find them,” they knew they had found an ally in their terrible ideology.
Adolf Hitler believed Muslims could be manipulated into being a powerful tool for the Nazis. For the most part, he was wrong, and the [] majority of Muslims fought against Germany. However a significant number—a whole division—were radicalized through a partnership with virulently anti-Semitic Islamic extremists.
The main such extremist was al-Husseini, Grand Mufti [] of Jerusalem and the highest ranking Muslim political leader in Palestine. He was virulently anti-Semitic, with a history of organizing aggressive actions against Jewish people in the Middle East. He also regularly broadcast propaganda over Nazi-controlled radio stations.
As Al-Husseini later explained to Hitler, [] the Arabs had the same enemies as the Nazis: the Jews, English, and Russians. According to the German record of their meeting, Al-Husseini said the Muslims under his sway “were prepared to cooperate with Germany with all their hearts and stood ready to participate in the war, not only negatively by the commission of acts of sabotage and the instigation of revolutions, but also positively by the formation of an Arab Legion.” He was tasked by Hitler with recruiting Bosnian Muslims into what became the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS, the first non-German SS devision.
Such a partnership was at odds with the Nazi narrative of racial purity, of course. Hitler had declared Muslims racially inferior in Mein Kampf, yet he recruited and met with Al-Husseini. Hitler went on to say say that the Mufti seemed “a man with more than one Aryan among his ancestors” [] and declared him an honorary Aryan. Bosnia’s Muslims were also declared pure Aryan too. It seemed military and political ends trumped genes for Hitler, who warmed to Islam so long as their enemies remained in common.
Al-Husseini meeting Himmler in 1943
Heinrich Himmler, the commander of the SS and one of the chief architects of the Holocaust, also said he had nothing against Islam [] because it promises followers “heaven if they fight and are killed in action” and that is was “a very practical religion for soldiers.” He saw an opportunity to manipulate that belief. In fact, it was Himmler who suggested to Hitler raising a Muslim SS division in the first place.
But the prospect did make for some odd imagery. Members of the 13th Waffen Mountain Division wore fezzes emblazoned with Nazi insignias, a contradictory mix of Middle Eastern culture and white nationalism. Pictures from the time show SS members with a pamphlet of anti-Semitic propaganda which, judging by the title, framed Jews as the enemy of Islam.
The Waffen Mountain Division of the SS comprised 20,000 troops and mostly fought Communist resistance forces in Bosnia—a key reason the division was formed in the first place. It fought seven other campaigns for the Nazis in the Balkans region, playing an active role in atrocities committed against Jews there. In all, 12,000 of 14,000 Bosnian Jews were murdered by the Nazis and their allies. Ancient synagogues were destroyed, and some Jews were forced to do that very destroying. The last members of the division surrendered to the British in May of 1945. Ten of them were eventually executed for war crimes.
Have no doubt Hitler would have wiped out Arabs after Jews
24 February 2007 12:11 AM
MAURICE Papon, lowered into his grave along with his precious Legion d'honneur last week, proved what many Arabs have long suspected but generally refuse to acknowledge: that bureaucrats and racists and others who worked for Hitler regarded all Semitic people as their enemies and that - had Hitler's armies reached the Middle East - they would ultimately have found a "final solution" to the "Arab question," just as they did for the Jews of Europe.
Papon's responsibility for the 1942 arrest and deportation of 1,600 Jews in and around Bordeaux - 223 children among them, all shipped off to the Drancy camp and then to Auschwitz - was proved without the proverbial shadow of a doubt at his 1998 trial.
Less clear were the exact number of Algerians murdered by his police force in Paris and hurled into the Seine in 1961. He organised the police repression of the independence demonstration by 40,000 Algerians; in the cities of Algiers and Oran and Blida and other areas of modern-day Algeria where this atrocity festers on among elderly relatives, they say that up to 400 Algerians were massacred by Papon's flics. Some historians suggest 250. The same was always claimed of Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. From Hitler, he obtained a promise that "when we (the Germans) have arrived at the southern Caucasus, then the time of the liberation of the Arabs will have arrived - and you can rely on my word." All this came back to me last week when I received a remarkable letter from Toulouse in my Beirut mailbag. It was a response to an article I wrote last year about Irene Nemirovsky, whose magnificent, Tolstoyan novel of the Nazi occupation of France was unfinished when Irene was herself sent to Drancy and on to the crematoria of Auschwitz. My article earned a stiff call of complaint from the press attache at the French embassy in London.
The letter, in slightly ungrammatical English, was written by Nemirovsky's only surviving daughter, Denise Epstein, and I hope she will not mind if I quote from it: "Allow me to present myself: I am the girl of Irene Nemirovsky . . . and I wanted to thank you for having spoken so well about my mother.
This book caused a certain awakening of the consciences undoubtedly but according to what you teach me from the attitude of the French embassy when one evokes the memory of the Jewish children assassinated with the complicity of the authorities of the time, I realise that the memory is really diluted very easily and which that opens the door with other massacres innocent whatever their origin.
IT is thus with emotion and gratitude that I want to send this small message to you.
I am now 77-years-old and I nevertheless live the every day with the weight of this past on the shoulders, softened by happiness to see reviving my parents, and at the same time as them, I hope to make revive all those of which nobody any more speaks. PS: Sorry for my very bad English!"
It would be hard to find more moving words than these, a conscious belief that the dead can be recalled in their own words along with that immensely generous remembrance of other innocents who have died in other massacres.
And that extraordinary image of the "dilution of memory" carries its own message. This, of course, is what Haj Amin suffered from. Papon, too, I imagine, before they buried the terrible old man last week.
Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam - Page 115
David G. Dalin, John F. Rothmann, Alan M. Dershowitz · 2009 ·
Mandate For Hate ...
Mustafa al-Sa'dani, one of the mufti's favorite authors, devotes more than thirty pages to the blood libel, accepting allegations of Jewish ritual murder as historical fact.
Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam
David Dalin · 2017
Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam David Dalin ... at the urging of Haj Amin al-Husseini and his cohorts , have resurrected the notorious blood libel accusation, routinely charging Jews with committing the ritual .
Charles Hamilton, "Leaders and Personalities of the Third Reich: Their Biographies, Portraits, and Autographs"
R.J. Bender Pub., 1984, p.472
In 1920, when the British established a protectorate in Jerusalem, the Arabs rioted against the increasing influx of Jews into Palestine. Haj Amin, then only 26 was arrested for inciting to violence. Already a violent enemy of the Jews, Amin was tried and sentenced to five years' imprisonment. He escaped... When Amin's half-brother, the Mufti of Jerusalem, died, Samuel appointed Amin, only 27, to succeed him. Amin appeared to be an innocuous and pliant youth, but he immediately took the title "Grand Mufti" and began a program of insurrection against the British. He incited his Moslem followers to massacre the Jews. The British tried to appease the Arabs but eventually they were forced to issue an order for the Grand Mufti's arrest. He escaped to Syria disguised as a beggar.
He then established cordial relations with Mussolini and Hitler. In 1941 he met with Mussolini and offered to lead another anti-Semitic revolt in Palestine if the Fascists would subsidize him. From Italy he went to Germany and conferred with Mussolini and Hitler.
Meanwhile, the British had posted a reward of 25,000 pounds for his capture.
A shadowy figure, always shy of publicity. The Grand Mufti was a staunch ally of the Nazis.
He eventually established a headquarters in Lebanon as a focal point from which he directed terrorist operations against the Jews. Occasionally he turned up in Syria or Egypt.
Although the Grand Mufti died on July 4 , 1974 in Beirut, the P. L.O. continues to carry on his self-appointed task of harassing and killing Jews.
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