Issa Nakhleh: Vile liar Holocaust denier, Hitler's canard - recycler, pushing Neo-Nazi inventions on WW2, Nazi-Germany glorifier since 1952,
long time agitator in S. America
Avisor UN 'Palestinian' Delegation The Arab Higher Committee for 'Palestine'. Author of "Palestine encyclopedia"
* June.17.1949: He can be considered the pioneer in vicious vitriol. Hyped imaginary terminology to "shock". (Probably the beginner of making a travesty out of anti-bigotry). At UN, he accused/defined in June-1949, acts as being "exceeding in brutality" than those of "the Nazis."
This "language" was picked up by Shukairy in 1960-2.
That was 23 years before he denied the Holocaust altogether in 1972...which he proposed as a measuring object in 1949...
He also intentionally floated the ridiculous unfounded rumour, that the (secular) Jews were supposedly "planning" to take down mosque and build temple...
* Active in agitating Anti-Jewish hatred and glorification of Nazi-Germang in Argentina 1950s and glorification of Nazi Germany in his magazine. Weeks after Nazi Tacuara attacked Jews in that country, including torturing a 19 years old carving swastikas in her as "revenge" for hanging Eichmann, he formed "palestine Arab delegation" in UN. A few months later, Shukairy salutes Tacuara at UN.
* In December 30, 1963, wrote to infamous fascist "Canadian Fuhrer" Adrien Arcand. (Incidentally, unaware, this Arcand referred in derogatory terms to Palestinian restaurants).
* Under his activities in Palestine "delegation," its postage meter was used to mail out material for a Neo-Nazi publication that earlier carried headline "Adolf Hitler, the George Washington of Europe."
* In 1967, just before the outbreak of the six-day war, he travelled to speak at at supremacists Western Front supporters event.
On March 7, 1969, he was featured speaker at "free Palestine" meeting joined with infamous anti-black anti-Jewish racist G. Smith, and Western Front.
* In 1968: As, by order of ex Mufti of Palestine, he represented Sirhan in R. Kennedy's murder, Arabs (whether by his initiative or his tacit go-along) spread around a conspiracy theory blaming Jews that they did it and pinned it on an Arab...
* May-1970: Recycled Hitler's old canards on Jews; pushed neo nazis' inventions about WW2; referred to (in singular term) "Jew war criminals" in his article in violent racist publication.
* November-14-1972: Openly said at UN, that Hitler did "not" kill Jews, that it was all an invention by Jews, and that the six million are "very much alive...".
(The horrendous cruelty within less than 3 decades of survivors' traumatic experience and indescribable loss).
He's also cast it as his "vs gentiles" Nazi adopted idea. (One assunes, his atrocious speech wasn't quoted at the time by JTA at least apparently through search, most probably as to not hurt so much, survivors and after less than 30 years from the Holocaust. Though vast local newspapers did).
* In 1973, he wrote a hate filled letter why Palestinian Arabs oppose Kissinger, because he was a persecuted Jew by Nazis in Germany.
Pressed for his view on the Kissinger appointment, Issa Nakhleh, U.N. observer for the Palestinian Arab delegation, exclaimed: "You Jews are doing the same thing you did in Germany."
* In 1978, at historical Begin and Sadat Camp David peace summit, Issa Nakhleh was urgently occupied with his Memorandum, denying the Holocaust, sent to Carter and Sadat.
* Addressed at "convention" of Holocaust deniers; published a denial "piece" in their publication; wrote for various racist groups. 1981-2.
* 1982: Together with holocaust-revisionists and supremacists LibertyLobby (under cloak of his official chief Arab-Palestinian delegation at UN and Muslim Congress advisor) advocated to court for accused Swedish Holocaust denier Ditlieb Felderer - as a "scholar." It didn't help.
* 1984, in an Arab conference in Detroit, where literature denying holocaust was distributed by an Islamic personality, and supposed "desecration" of Jerusalem were uttered, Nakhleh praised anti-Jewish literature published in the past and infamous anti-Semite Father Coughlin, casting him as if fighting against "Zionist control." He used the forum to call for a union of Muslims and American blacks to "liberate" from "control".
* Much of his writing is dedicated to his hero, infamous ex Mufti al-Husseini, Hitler's staunchest active ally in the Arab world, "explaining" him. By the same token, this vicious hater, in his inciting venom, the sneaky snake carefully crafts his thesis, framing his all throughout theme of Jews and non-Jews, into some supposed "historical facts." He also so twistedly exaggerates the weak power of Jews at the time of WW2, basing it all on one quote from one letter from one Jewish personality and phrases it as the "world Jews" and states it as a fact that "this is why" (no kidding) Great Britain and allies went into war.
That's right, he "found" the "J." (as in that letter by an unarmed civilian) to be "behind" Churchill/Hitler/Roosevelt....
But since we are on this most serious topic, let us also remember that no Jew on this planet or even a Rabbi (such as Weissmandl) could influence in as much as getting Auchwitz-Birkenau bombed, even while allies' planes were already heavily in operations anyhow.
Not to mention the boat (M.S. St. Louis) in 1939 with Jews fleeing, being turned away...
In addition, in order to fit his libeleaus "book", hypocrite Nakhleh didn't include in it his total denial of the Holocaust which he uttered in 1972 and at Holocaust deniers convention, it wouldn't "work," since he tried to compare acts to those of Nazis.
* His "Palestine encyclopedia" - "work", has been correctly categorized as only an anti-Israel propaganda piece.
Even by comparing it to other Arab Palestinian authors/work.
* In Nov.1999, at AmerianMuslimsForJerusalem - event, which was described as "Anti-Jewish" (not just anti Israel), offered the illegally raising money from abroad to lobby US Congress.
He 'promulgates anti-Semitic conspiracy theories at a Chicago conference of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)'.
* Of his last known "good" and "love" deeds on earth was to blame on "Israel lobby," a 2002 sincere investigation at kidnapping children to Saudi Arabia.
Note: Most Arab-Palestinians are Muslims. Yet, this Islamicized hater who was a fiery highest "spiritual" leader's aide, made sure to appear as a "Christian" when he thought it could help him in inciting Christians. At the Holocaust denial convention in 1982, he came officially representing Muslim Congress.
[It might remind jihadi Palestinian terrorists who, to Muslims they raise the banner of holy war on Jews in Israel, but when speaking to the West suddenly mention "rights" and "democracy."]
This very same denier, has also pushed for the idea of some so-called "mutual admiration" (by highlighting --out of the Zionists- one (radical and not accepted by mainstream, who had some Arab allies too) person's agreement seeking for emigration, attempting to save lives . Ignoring the some 30,000 Jews of Palestine that fought the Nazis, as reported at the time. .
Nation - Volume 164 - Page 561 - J.H. Richards, 1947
May 17, 1947
The Mufti's Henchmen A Who's Who General Assembly by the Nation Associates . ... Most of the originals are in the possession of the Department of State . They substantiate to the last detail the charge that the Mufti not only was an Axis agent throughout the war ..
The assembly was announced, not in Palestine but from the Mufti's headquarters in Cairo.
The persons named were the following : Emil Ghouri , Henry Katan , Wasef Kamal , Rajai Husseini , Isa Nakhleh, Rasam Khalidi. Among these delegates , four are known as intimate associates of the Mufti in his pro - Axis exploits .
It is interesting , however , that the maa chosen to present the Arab case last week , Henry Katan ( spelled Cattan in the New York press ) is the delegate least closely connected with the Mufti . Though less notorious than their chief , these men
have dossiers fat with crimes and violent acts of all degrees .
We print below a brief "Who's Who" of four of the appointed delegates. It shows better than anything else the political character of the Arab high command . For the record of the Mufti himself , turn to pages 597 - 600 of the memorandum .
THE appearance of the Palestine Arab Higher Committee at Lake Success ...
Once we establish the fact that the Arab Higher Committee is not a representative body but a selected group of Arab politicians , we have to examine the political nature of the men themselves .
And when we do this we discover that the Arab Higher Committee is an almost exact equivalent , in Middle Eastern terms , of the cabal that ruled Hitler's Germany . If this sounds far - fetched , we urge our readers to turn to the record .
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress - 1947
... Ghouri, Rajai Husseini, Henry Katan, Wasef Kamal, Isa Nakhleh, Rasem Khalidi. ... In 1922, he became the Mufti of Jerusalem and later the President of the
Near East Report - Volumes 8-11 - Page 150 - 1964
The Arab World is a glossy monthly which emphasizes social, economic and political achievement. There are 23,000 copies, of which 5,115 go to educational institutions, 2,128 to libraries, 1,159 to newspapers, 1,117 to press services, 541 to public officials.
For the Record is a polemical report issued occasionally to deal with political questions. The Attorney General's report tells us that a major theme of this publication is that Israeli propaganda is a camouflage for aggressive designs on Arab territory and a threat to ArabAmerican relations...
Another agency is the Palestine Arab Delegation, with offices at 801 Second Ave. , New York. It was organized in April 1961 to represent the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine, but the UN will not recognize or seat it. In 1963, it spent $25,426. It issues a bulletin; it distributes press releases; it uses vitriolic expletives- for it is not responsible to any government and need not exercise diplomatic restraint.
A typical circular begins: "The international Zionist gangsters seized, by terror and murder, a part of Palestine and declared
themselves a state.
These pamphlets frequently reproduce atrocity photographs. They vilify U. S. officials who support Israel.
The director of this group is Issa Nakhleh, who describes himself as the permanent representative of the delegation.
Nakhleh had some training as the press attache for the Egyptian Embassy in Argentina, a country where the Arab League has collaborated with neo-Nazis in the dissemination of scurrilous antiSemitic propaganda. On the P.R. Front.
Near East Report, Volume 8
Near East Report, Incorporated, 1964 - Jewish-Arab relations
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ..., Volume 113, Part 17
United States. Congress · 1967 · Law
The Palestine Arab Delegation is in fact the local agency of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine, an international Arab organization formed at Cairo in 1946, under the chairmanship of the ineffable Grand Mufti Mohammad Amin el-Husseini 'the same noisome personage who had earlier served as Hitler's advisor on 'the liquidation of the Jewish question.' The Mufti's committee maintains offices in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq besides its overseas representatives in the United States...
this "delegation" maintains relations with the most undesirable on the American political scene. Not long ago, its postage meter was used to distribute a mailing of James H. Madole's National Renaissance Party Bulletina publication of a group described in a staff report of the House Un-American Activities Committee as avowedly neo-nazi in character.
(An earlier issue of the same publication carried the headline: "Adolf Hitler, the George Washington of Europe").
Long aricles by this "delegation" have been reprinted in Common Sense The Cross and the Flag. The Palestine Arab Delegation also maintains relations with the Neo-Nazi National Renaissance Party....
Palestine Arab Delegation also maintains relations with the Neo-Nazi ...
The Canadian Fuhrer: The Life of Adrien Arcand - Page 351
Issa Nakhleh, letter to Adrien Arcand, New York, 30 December 1963, Library and Archives Canada, Adrien Arcand collection, MG 30, D91, vol. 2. Des livres de ...
Jean-Francois Nadeau - 2011
[The Canadian Fuhrer: The Life of Adrien Arcand
Jean-Francois Nadeau · 2011 · Biography & Autobiography
The Life of Adrien Arcand Jean-Francois Nadeau. nests of Bulgarian ruffians, Oriental grocers, nauseating Palestinian restaurants, European ex- convict scum,
Justice Department Keeps Watch on Arab Students Group As Sirhan Probe Continues
June 24, 1968
The Department of Justice said yesterday that it will remain alert to operations of the Organization of Arab students while the investigation of Sirhan Sirhan and all ramifications of the Robert F. Kennedy assassination is continuing. This disclosure was made by J. Walter Yeagley, Assistant Attorney-General, in a letter to Rep. Joel T. Broyhill, Virginia Republican. Mr. Broyhill had asked the department to investigate Arab extremist activities in this country and possible Communist links with them.
The department said that on the basis of information so far available to the Government, it does not appear that the Organization of Arab Students has incurred an obligation to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act at this time. While the organization does receive some funds from officials of foreign governments, the amount is not sufficient to warrant a conclusion that it is acting within the United States at the direction or control of a foreign government so as to create the requisite agency relationship necessary to require registration.
Arab-American businessmen in Los Angeles are spreading a story that Sirhan Sirhan, alleged assassin of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, was 'a secret agent "paid by the Zionists" to blacken the name of the Arab world,' it was reported here today by the Washington Post.
In a related development, the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine, in Beirut, has instructed its New York office to offer 'all possible assistance' to Sirhan. The committee's spokesman, former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, who visited Berlin during World War II and collaborated with Hitler, said it had instructed its New York representatives to legally defend Sirhan as far as United States law will permit. The committee is known in New York as the Palestine Arab Delegation. Its New York representatives are Issa Nakhleh and Omar Azzouni, both attorneys
Facts - Volumes 18-22 - Page 482 - Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith., [1969]
The Organization of Arab Students (OAS) claims to represent all Arab students on American college and university campuses. Although it purports to function as a "cultural and educational" organization, OAS is, in fact, a major source of anti-Israel propaganda in the United States.
On March 7, 1969, pro-Arab activists distributed copies of Free Palestine, the Fatah publication, along with subscription blanks, at a Los Angeles meeting sponsored by the Arab Higher Committee, headed by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem supported Hitler in World War II.
Featured speaker at the meeting was Issa Nakhleh, a representative in the U.S. of the Mufti group. Invitations to the meeting were sent to persons on the mailing lists of the Christian Nationalist Crusade, the orgnization headed by Gerald Smith, long-time anti- Jewish propagandist, and of Western Front, an organization headed by Walter White, husband of Mrs. Opal Tanner White, a long-time Smith aide.
"Anti‐Zionists" and antisemites
Journal -
Patterns of Prejudice , Volume 4, 1970 - Issue 4, p.28
Taylor & Francis journals
The antisemitism of "anti-Zionism" was re- vealed when the violently anti-Jewish US paper. Common Sense, No. 560, of 15 May 1970, published a long article by an Arab lawyer, resident in London, Issa Nakhleh, LLB., "graduate of London Universuty and Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn", who not only berated "Zionist colonialism" and "Zionist control" of US mass media but also canvassed the neo-Nazi allegation that Zionist leaders had "railroaded the US into World War II to implement their 1933 declaration of War against Germany". In this spirit Mr. Nakhleh freely refers to "Jew war criminals" now, "Jew gangster of Tel Aviv" who were "completely eradicating Christianity and Islam from the holy Land".
He does his best to revive the somewhat old-fashioned propaganda -- Hitler's piece de resistance -- about "Jewish Bolshevism." He rehashes all the long discredited tales of "the international conspiracy of the Jews", how they have plotted the Bolshevik revolution in Russia unleashing communism in the world"... He also adds one or two touches...
Nakhleh is aware that "the American reader might question why it is, if Communism is Jewish ... then why does the Soviet Union now take a position of favouring the Arabs?" But he has a "very logical" answer." One the one hand he says, "Arab States were compelled to seek arms for their defense from the Soviet Union", and on the other, he argues, the Soviets are not really with the Arabs, since they tecognize and support the existence, sovereignty and rights of the so called 'Israel'". Therefore, he concludes, the Americans would be wise to back the Arabs against Israel, or rather the "Jew war criminals"...
The National Front unequivocally avows it racialisim. This is what its official statement says: "Is the NF a racialist organization? Yes. We are nationalists -- Patriots -- and we see as our first duty the preservation of the British Nation. While there is no such thing as the 'British race', the people whom we call British are the descendants of various tribes of European racial origin who invaded these islands in the Dark Ages and early Middle Ages. Because these tribes were kinfolk (e.g. the Normans were simply the French-speaking progency of Viking pirates who settled both in France and Britain), they were able to assimilate and form a homogeneous population group.
November 14, 1972
The Times from San Mateo, California · Page 10
Arab Says Hitler Didn't Kill Jews
The extermination of six million Jews on orders of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was "a big lie" concocted by ...who are still "very much alive" in the United States and Israel, a Palestinian Arab told the United Nations Monday. Issa Nakhleh, head of the so - called "Palestine Arab deleglion" addressed the General Assembly's special political committee. currently in the middle of its annual debate on Palestine Arab refugees.
November 15, 1972
Panama City News-Herald from Panama City, Florida · Page 3
'Hitlers Killing Of Jews Big Lie', Arab Declares
Wednesday, November 15, Page 3 UNITED NATIONS (UPI)
The extermination of six million Jews on orders of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was "a big lie" concocted by.. who are still "very much alive" in the United States and Israel, a Palestinian Arab told the United Nations. Issa Nakhleh, head of the so- called "Palestine Arab delegation," addressed the General Assembly's special political committee, currently in the middle of its annual debate on Palestine Arab refugees.
The allegation by Nakhleh drew swift condemnation from Israeli delegate Jacob Doron, who termed the Palestine Arab delegation "another name for the Arab higher command headed by the notorious ex- mufti of Jerusalem who has a record of terrorism and murder going back 50 years."
Daily Independent Journal from San Rafael, California · Page 2
November 14, 1972
Execution Of Jews Is Called A Lie
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1972 Arab Says Hitler Didn't Kill Jews
By U P. INTERNATIONAL UNITED NATIONS (UPI) - The extermination of six million Jews on orders of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was a big lie concocted by ... who are still "very much alive" in the United States and Israel, a Palestinian Arab told the United Nations Monday. Issa Nakhleh, head of the so- called "Palestine Arab delegation," addressed the General Assembly's special political committee, currently in the middle of its annual debate on Palestine Arab refugees.
The allegation by Nakhleh drew swift condemnation from Israeli delegate Jacob Doron, who termed the Palestine Arab delegation - another name for the Arab higher command headed by the notorious ex- mufti of Jerusalem who has a record of terrorism and murder going back 50 years. Nakhleh, whose delegation does not have a standing with the United Nations outside of its annual appearance before the political committee, also charged that ... had financed and cooperated with Hitler before he came to power in 1933. Nakhleh said the J.. had "invented the big lie of the extermination of six million Jews in Europe" who were "still very much alive in the United States and in Palestine (Israel)." He added, "... used this big lie of the six million to blackmail Germany for more than $18 billion as compensation. The world J... propaganda machine keeps reminding the Gentiles of their responsibility for the alleged extermination of the six million Jews and suppresses the truth which was published in several Jewish periodicals that Hitler was a...., Nakhleh added.
Pomona Progress Bulletin (Newspaper) - November 15, 1972, Pomona, California Progress-Bulletin, p.39
Progress-Bulletin, Pomona, Calif., Wednesday, November 15, 1972
Arab Says Nazi Murder Of Jews a 'Big Lie' UNITED NATIONS (UPI) 'The extermination of six million Jews on orders of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was "a big lie"' concocted by ...who are still "very much alive" in the United States and Israel, a Palestinian Arab told United Nations Monday. Issa Nakhleh head of the so called "Palestine Arab delegation," addressed the General Assembly's special....
November 15, 1972
Clovis News-Journal from Clovis, New Mexico · Page 9
UNITED NATIONS (UPI) The extermination of six million Jews on orders of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was "a big lie'" concocted by ... who are still "very much alive" in the United States and Israel, a Palestinian Arab told the United Nations Monday. Issa Nakhleh, head of the so-called "Palestine Arab delegation," addressed the General Assembly's special political committee, currently in the middle of its annual debate on Palestine Arab refugees. | The allegation by Nakhleh drew swift condemnation..
Nakhleh said the ... "invented the big lie of... extermination of six million... "still very much alive" in the United States and Israel. He said the "lie" was perpetuated "to blackmail Germany for more than $18 billion as compensation." "The world J... keeps reminding the Gentiles of their responsibility for the "alleged" extermination of the six million Jews ...
Jewish Observer and Middle East Review - Volume 21 - Page 7, 1972
PROSPECTS FOR PEACE between Israel and the Arabs are better now than ever before , in the opinion of Israel's Deputy ...
THE NAZI EXTERMINATION of six million Jews was " a big lie ” concocted by Jews , a Palestinian Arab declared on Monday in the United Nations . Issa Nakhleh , head of the so - called Palestine - Arab Delegation , was addressing the General Assembly's special
legal committee currently debating the Palestine refugee issue parallel with the Assembly's debate on terrorism.
His accusation drew swift condemnation from Israeli delegate Jacob Doron . .
He recalled the collaboration between the former Mufti of Jerusalem ( for whom Nakhleh is the New York spokesman ) and Eichmann and Hitler . Nakhleh then retorted that Hitler was a ...
National Lampoon - Page lviii -
New York Times (L. Kagan) 1973
According to Issa Nakhleh, a Palestinian Arab leader, the six million Jews generally thought to have been exterminated by Hitler are "very much alive" and living in the United States and Israel after fabricating the well-known story of their deaths..
Nakhke said it was the... invented the big lie....
East Europe - Volume 23, Issues 1-2 - Page 30 - 1974
Palestinian Arab Opposition to Kissinger By Issa Nakhleh.....
The mere fact that Dr. Kissinger and his family became refugees from Germany, and were subjected to persecution and indignities in Nazi Germany, must have left a very deep impression on his mind and soul.
Anglo-American Support for Jordan: The Career of King Hussein - M. Joyce · 2008 · History - p.121
...a hate filled letter from Chairman of the Palestinian Arab Delegation at the UN Issa Nakhleh. Nakhleh referred to Kissinger's background; he was a German Jewish refugee ...
a hate-filled letter from Chairman of the Palestinian Arab Delegation at the UN Issa Nakhleh.
Nakhleh referred to Kissinger's background; he was a German
Near East Report - Volumes 16-18 - Page 139 - 1972
Pressed for his view on the
Kissinger appointment, Issa
Nakhleh, U.N. observer for the Palestinian Arab delegation, exclaimed: "
You Jews are doing the same thing you did in Germany."
September 4, 1973
The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle from Milwaukee, Wisconsin · Page 2
KISSINGER: 'JEW . . . ZIONIST' UNITED NATIONS (JTA) "You Jews are doing the same thing you did in Germany. You are going to have the American people against you." Issa Nahkleh UN observer for the Palestinian Arab delegation, said here in response to a correspondent who asked him to comment on the nomination of Dr. Henry A. Kissinger as the new Secretary of State. Pressed to explain his feelings, Nahkleh said angrily: "What do you wan
Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam, David G. Dalin, John F. Rothmann, 2008, Biography & Autobiography, pp.119-120.
In 1978, for example, in the midst of the political activity surrounding the historic diplomatic summit at Camp David attended by Jimmy Carter, Menachem Begin and Anwar Al Sadat, Holocaust denial found public expression in a
memorandum submitted to presidents Carter and Sadat by the Palestinian Arab diplomat Issa Nakhleh.
Nakhleh, one of the mufti's closest political confidants and collaborators and a noted Holocaust denier, had served for several decades as the permanent representative ofthe Arab Higher Committee for Palestine at the United Nations. "The hoax of the .. who
supposedly perished in Europe. Nakhleh stated emphatically, "has been used by the Zionists to win sympathy...
American Spectator - Volume 19 - Page 20 - 1986
...One of the World Muslim Congress's representatives at the symposium was Issa Nakhleh, an attorney who has served as U.N. Observer of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine, and who, during the 1960s and early 1970s, was associated with the late Gerald L.K. Smith (writing for Smith's publication, The Cross and the Flag), and with the racist West Coast group, Western Front.
In 1981 Nakhleh spoke at the Third Annual Convention of the Institute for Historical Review, a group that maintains that the Holocaust is a myth concocted by J.. Nakhleh's address was called "Palestinians and Zionist genocide"...
The Six Million Reconsidered attempts to prove that the Holocaust never occurred; Antizion, a compendium of anti-Semitic writing, includes a description of Hitler as a "twentieth century statesman" and the assertion, "There were no J.. killed in 'gas Chambers.'" ... the books were mailed to the senators by the World Muslim Congress.
Extremism on the Right: A Handbook - Page 49 - 1983
Beyond promoting anti-Semitism, these meetings have, on occasion, also promoted anti-Israel, Arab propaganda. In 1967, just before the outbreak of the Six Day war, Issa Nakhleh, a representative of the Palestine Arab Delegation, journeyed to the West Coast to speak to Western Front supporters.
Kenneth S. Stern
The American Jewish Committee
New York - 1993
... One of the earliest Palestinian references to Holocaust denial occurred at the United Nations. "In 1972," wrote Teressa Hendry approvingly in the December 1978 edition of the National Educator, "with little attendant publicity, a Palestinian Arab addressed the UN, charging that the Zionists financed Adolf Hitler and 'invented the big lie of the extermination of the ...
117. For many years the IHR, like its cousin, the Liberty Lobby, has tried to Ingratiate itself with the Arab world. While refusing to call what happened to Jews in World War II genocide, it liberally promotes the term to describe lsraeli treatment of Palestinians. At the IHR's Third Revisionist Conference, lssah Nakhleh, described as "chairman of the Palesline-Arab Committee," was a highlighted speaker about "Zionist genocide." An IHR article noting the criticism of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society for printing Holocaust denial wondered if the Red Crescent would be expelled from the ICRC, thus allowing Israel "to strafe those Palestinian ambulances which roll up to collect the latest dead and wounded Arab youngsters on the West Bank and Gaza strip?" An IHR pamphlet advertising its tenth conference quotes Faurisson as saying: "Of course I am ready to go to jail. I don't mind. I am sure that I will convert first the guards, and then the prisoners, because seventy per cent of them are Arabs."
Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam - David Dalin - 2017
In 1982, Issa Nakhleh published an article in Journal of Historical Review, a publication devoted to Holocaust denial...
Shofar FTP Archive File: orgs/american/ihr//nakhleh
Archive/File: orgs/american/ihr nakhleh One participant of the 1982 conference was Issa Nakhleh, head of the Palestine Arab Delegation, an extremist pro-PLO group originally formed by the notorious Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who broadcast from Nazi Germany to the Arabs in the Middle East. In the US, Nakhleh has associated in recent years with Western Front, an antisemitic organisation.
This site is intended for educational purposes to teach about the Holocaust and to combat hatred. Any statements or excerpts found on this site are for educational purposes only.
As part of these educational purposes, Nizkor may include on this website materials, such as excerpts from the writings of racists and antisemites. Far from approving these writings, Nizkor condemns them and provides them so that its readers can learn the nature and extent of hate and antisemitic discourse. Nizkor urges the readers of these pages to condemn racist and hate speech in all of its forms and manifestations.
October 29, 1982
The Jewish Floridian and Shofar of Greater Hollywood Page 7-B
Propaganda Spurs Invitation to Join Rising "white army"
..Chronicle Syndicate
... The California-based Institute for Historical Review, with its quarterly journal and British outlet, the Historical Review Press, is posing a threat to democracy and history. IT HOLDS academic-sounding revisionist conventions: at Northrop University. Los Angeles, in 1979; at Pomona College, in 1980: while a third, for 1981 at the University of California's Lake Arrowhead Conference Center, was banned. Instead, the Los Angeles Hacienda Hotel's International Room was booked under a different name. This right-wing masquerade thus gained entrance to two reputable institutions winning an academic cachet by association. Convention representatives derived from America, Australia, France, Sweden, Britain, Asia and Arabia.
The importance of the conventions lies in the inclusion of "academics" and men claiming academic affiliation. Dr. Austin App, author of "The Six Million Swindle" and a former associate professor of English at LaSalle College, Philadelphia; Dr. Arthur Butz of Northwestern University; and Dr. Robert Faurisson of Lyons University, are among those who have attended. THE OFFER of a $50,000 reward to anyone who could provide proof that the Nazis had gassed Jews, and a $25,000 reward for a bar of soap produced from Jewish fat, illustrate the Institute's general trend of thought.
The third convention included a paper entitled "Axis Involvement with Arab Nationalists," and Issa Nakhleh head of the Palestine-Arab delegation in New York, spoke of Zionist "genocide" against Palestinians, demonstrating a growing united left- right front against Jews and Israel.
A similar anti-Zionist campaign can be seen in the British National Front's opposition to an "expansionist Israel" and the British Movement's claims that Jews forcibly seized Arab land by capitalizing on "alleged atrocities" during the Second World War.
Henri Temianka Correspondence - Chapman University Digital Commons
by E Aran · 1982
Dec 15, 1982 · telegram to the district attorney from Issa Nakhleh, Chairman of the "Palestine Arab Delegation" and adviser to the "World Muslim Congress"...
Who is Ditlieb Felderer?
To the Liberty Lobby and to the Palestine Arab delegation to the UN , "unfettered scholar".
To the court in Sweden he is a criminal who defamed Jews
... the IHR thesis that the Holocaust was a hoax...
The Holocaust denial: antisemitism, racism & the new right - Page xxviii - Gill Seidel - 1986
The previous year the conference had been addressed by Mr Issah Nakhleh, who describes himself as "Legal Adviser to the World Muslim Conference". In 1982, when the Swedish Holocaust- denier, Ditlieb Felderer, was convicted of ...
Anti-Zionism - Yohanan Manor - Department of Information, World Zionist Organization, 1984 - Antisemitism - 21 pages - p.20
Ibrahim Ayad, one of Arafat's advisors declarations to the newspaper, A IkaiAlaam, 9 March 1982;
cf also the telegram sent by Issa Nakhleh, president of the Palestinian Arab Delegation to the United Nations and Judicial Adviser to the World Muslim Congress, to the Attorney- General of Stockholm, Thorsten Jonsson, asking for the release of Dietlieb Felderer, well- known Holocaust revisionist, Heritage, 31 December 1982.
Les Protocoles des sages de Sion: Faux et usages d'un faux - Pierre-André Taguieff - Fayard, Oct 6, 2004 - Social Science - 508 pages
.. ainsi qu'à l'intervention très significative du président de la Délégation arabe palestinienne aux Nations Unies , également conseiller juridique au Congrès mondial musulman , Issa Nakhleh , auprès du procureur général de Stockholm , Thorsten Jonsson , et demandant à celui - ci par un télégramme officiel la mise en liberté de Ditlieb Felderer
Les Protocoles des sages de Sion - Pierre-André Taguieff - Berg international, 1992 - Antisemitism - 1223 pages, p.328
[Translated by Google:
... as well as the very significant intervention of the President of the palestinian Arab Delegation to the United Nations, also legal advisor to the World Muslim Congress, Issa Nakhleh, to the Attorney General of Stockholm...]
Jan. 18, 1986 [p.10]
A jury awarded $5.2 million today to a survivor of a Nazi concentration camp who asserted he had been emotionally tortured by the taunts of a man who kept telling him the Holocaust was a fiction.
The jury in Los Angeles Superior Court deliberated only three hours and 45 minutes before finding that a Swedish publisher, Ditlieb Felderer, should be held responsible for damages to the plaintiff, Mel Mermelstein, for libel and intentional inflicting of emotional distress.
Mr. Mermelstein's hands trembled and he choked back tears while the clerk read the panel's decision awarding him $500,000 in compensatory damages and $4.75 million in punitive damages.
Mr. Felderer was not represented in court in the two-day trial because he never answered the complaint. Mr. Mermelstein's attorneys hope to have any default judgment against him enforced by the Swedish Government.
Mr. Mermelstein, who is 59 years old, sued Mr. Felderer in 1981 for statements the Swede made about Mr. Mermelstein in a publication called the Jewish Information Bulletin. Mr. Felderer is a member of the editorial advisory committee to the Institute for Historical Review, an organization based in Torrance, Calif., that asserts the Nazis never had an extermination policy for the Jews.
One of the pamphlets Mr. Felderer sent to Mr. Mermelstein included a letter calling him a racist and ''exterminationist.'' With hand-drawn cartoons, the letter mocked assertions that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz.
In testimony, Mr. Mermelstein tearfully recalled his experiences at the death camp, and of losing his brother and father in work camps and watching his mother and sister led to gas chambers.
Mr. Mermelstein's psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Borenstein, testified that the survivor struggled for years with his anguish over the atrocities he had seen at Auschwitz, but that by 1973 he was cured. But Dr. Borenstein testified that Mr. Mermelstein regressed completely in 1980 when he began receiving pamphlets from Mr. Felderer, saying that Mr. Mermelstein was ''peddling the exterminationist hoax.''
The Detroit Jewish News August 03, 1984 Page 14
An Arab conference in Dearborn spews
anti-Israel propaganda and reveals an Islamic mind-set on the Middle East
Special to The Jewish News
Hajji Abdullah Ahmad of Philadelphia distributed denying that six million Jews were during the holocaust.
Rev. William Gep ford and Imam Muhammad Karoub listen to Ayube Ally during a panel discussion of alleged Israeli "desecrations" in Jerusalem...
As it were, he had the stage to himself. Nakhleh used the forum to call for, among other things, a political union of Muslims and American blacks to "liberate the United States from the ... lobby."
His opening remarks made his stand crystal
clear. "Dearborn has some historical connections with the problems of the Middle East," said Nakhleh. "It was in this city that Henry Ford wrote that important book, The International Jew. He exposed the international ... conspiracy in the world. And for this, Dearborn is a very historical city. "But not only that," continued Nakhleh. "During the 1940s and 1950s, there was an important Father Coughlin with his radio broadcasts. He was fighting... and the
... control of the United States. And he was a (major) voice until he died only several years ago.
So it is fitting that we should meet in this important city to discuss Jerusalem and the Zionist lobby in the United States."
That set the tone for Nakhleh's speech, a lengthy litany of accusations...
Project MUSE -
Perceptions of the Holocaust in Palestinian Public Discourse
Meir Litvak and Esther Webman
Israel Studies
Vol. 8, No. 3, Israel and the Holocaust (Fall, 2003), pp. 123-140
MeirLitvak and Esther Webman Perceptions of the Holocaust in Palestinian Public Discourse
The origins of the Palestinian discourse could be discerned in the period before the end of the war. The growing realization of the extent of the Jewish tragedy brought about mounting pressure by the Zionist movement to hasten the rescue of Jewish survivors and refugees and to allow increased Jewish immigration to Palestine. Understanding the repercussions of the possible success of this Zionist eff ort on the struggle over Palestine, Palestinian public figures and the press had to address, willingly or unwillingly, the issue of the Holocaust in their response to the evolving political conditions. Two approaches seem to have emerged simultaneously since
these very early days.
One, which was shared by other Arab leaders, acknowledged the Jewish tragedy in Europe but rejected any linkage between it and the situation in Palestine. It argued that the entire world should participate..
... Some Palestinian writers conclude that this alleged collaboration was not only motivated by pragmatism but also by the ideological affinity between Nazism and Zionism, claiming that many Nazi leaders sympathized with Zionism and its goals. Issa Nakhle, for instance, attributed the mutual admiration of both movements to the great similarity between them.
Reference & User Services Quarterly - Volume 45, Issues 1-4 - Page 78 - Library of Congress - 2005
For instance, there is no entry on suicide or suicide bombers. Anyone wishing to trace the history of this particular aspect of the conflict would need to know which particular organizations, such as Hamas and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, have engaged in this practice. There are no directly comparable reference works available.
Philip Mattar's Encyclopedia of the Palestinians (Facts On File, 2000), the most recent work on the subject, is focused much more on the history and culture of the people over a longer time period, and less so on the conflict, and, for the most part, it is not concerned with an Israeli perspective...
Another title, Issa Nakhleh's Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem (Intercontinental Books, 1991) is essentially a piece of anti- Israel propaganda.
Middle East: Abstracts and index - Page 955 - Northumberland Press, 1994 - Middle East
But the pseudo-historical assumptions of Mr. Nakhleh are more important than his racist style. He threatens Mr. Christopher and the crazy Israelis' with Arab and/ or Muslim unity, a unity that Is going to destroy Israel as the Crusaders were ...
1946-1973 - TCU Digital Repository - Texas Christian University
by D Grantham · 2015
led by nationalists and pro-Catholic groups, like the Tacuara, turned on Jewish citizens and ... Arab League representative in Argentina, Issa Nakhle, started
Israel in the Third World - Michael Curtis, Susan Aurelia Gitelson · 1976 · History - pp.157-8
In September 1947 an official delegation, representing the Arab states, visited Latin America...
On the establishment of the state of Israel, Arab propaganda's main job was to content that Israel was a fictitious state... the Arabs also tried to influence public opinion... "Jewish imperialism"...
... LA representation in Arab countries has increased. .. To this list may be added Arab League representation that began in 1952 when Issa Nakhle, accredited as. press attache to the Egyptian Embassy and later a Syrian diplomat, opened an office in Buenos Aires. The office continues to function despite a crisis in 1964, caused by the relations of Hussein Triki with right-wing circles.
A curious result of this policy took place at the United Nations in 1962: Ahmed Shukairy, then head of the Saudi Arabian delegation, openly praised the Argentine Nazi group Tacuara. The Argentine delegate expressed dismay.
Another example of cooperation between pro-Nazi groups and the Arabs is the Chilean publication Cruz Gamada (swastika), most of which is devoted to "Palestine. Arab land" and "Communist- Jewish infiltration." Or "capitalist Jewish exploitation,"
Another curious result of this sort of collusion took place in Buenos Aires in 1964. At a public meeting called to express solidarity with the Arab states, the Arab League delegate was greeted with " expel the Jews to Israel" and the Nazi salute.
Israeli-Latin American Relation, Edy Kaufman, Yoram Shapira, Joel Barromi, Transaction Publishers, 1979
[American Muslims for Jerusalem: Radical] Islam's American lobby
by Daniel Pipes
Jerusalem Post
September 20, 2001
The terror attacks on America could not have taken place without a sophisticated infrastructure of agents operating inside the United States that gathered information, planned, and then executed the four hijackings. That infrastructure, in turn, could operate thanks in large part to the protection provided by America's militant Islamic lobby.
The militant Islamic lobby impeded law enforcement's ability to devote special attention to Middle Eastern passengers, a procedure that surely would have caught the four suicide teams. The lobby also forestalled the closing down of Web sites and the expulsion of foreigners associated with terrorist organizations like Osama bin Laden's....
The pattern was set at AMJ's first major event, a fundraising in November 1999, which one participant described as "crudely anti-Jewish." Speakers like Nihad Awad and Abudrahman Almoudivied with one another... they spun an elaborate conspiracy theory about Jewish control...
The dinner's keynote speaker, Issa Nakhleh of the Arab Supreme Council for Palestine... proposed as specific scheme for achieving this goal. By his (fanciful) calculations, the Israel lobby spends $20 million a year to buy members of Congress and have them impose the "Jewish" message on Christians. Arabs and Muslims can easily do better, Nakhleh suggested, by sending fundraising delegations to Saudi Arabia and the emirates. "I am sure you will get $10 million from these two, and Iran will give you $10 million," thereby surpassing the supposed pro-Israel funding. (Never mind that it is illegal to lobby Congress with money that comes from abroad).
The evening's excess of inaccuracy...
Miniatures: Views of Islamic and Middle Eastern Politics
By Daniel Pipes
Issa Nakhleh, IAP :: Audio and Video Clips :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
Issa Nakhleh, IAP
November 26, 1999
Issa Nakhleh, of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine in New York City and a former advisor to the delegation of Arab states of the United Nations, promulgates anti-Semitic conspiracy theories at a Chicago conference of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), a Hamas support group in November of 1999.
Nakhleh: My Sisters and Brothers, I am going to address you tonight about the Zionist conspiracy to destroy Al Masjid Al Aqsa, Al Kupa Til Sakrah, wa Haram Al Sharif and to build a Jewish Temple. Now what the Jews are doing every month, everyday they make resolutions, all rabbis in the United States in England, and in Israel, they make meetings, conferences and they declare that they have to destroy Al Masjid Al Aqsa and build the Temple."
'One Land, Two People,' and Dozens of Errors
By: Eric Rozenman - September 1, 2004
...the Post's inclusion of the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, edited by Issa Nakhleh. In the encyclopedias introduction, Nakhleh blames World War II on the Jews. He claims that Zionist leaders in the United States, in Great Britain and throughout the world, not only waged their "holy war" against Germany and the Germans in the economic field, but they initiated a world-wide propaganda campaign to block any avenue of understanding, or settlement of disputes, between Germany, Great Britain and France. The pressure which Zionists were exerting upon Great Britain and France to wage war against Germany was quite apparent everywhere and could not be mistaken.
To these "Elders of Zion" conspiracy ravings, Nakhleh adds the accusation that "the Zionist and Israeli leaders have followed in the footsteps of the Nazis."
Nahkleh dedicates the encyclopedia to two of his heroes. The first is the pro-Nazi Palestinian Arab leader Haj Amin al-Husseini, who incited anti-Jewish pogroms in pre-war Palestine and then spent World War II in Berlin advising Nazi leaders. The second is Saudi King Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz, who also promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and once handed a copy of the czarist forgery The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zionto then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
The Arab League is not officially recognized by Argentina...
According to its historical tradition, great Britain, tries to prevent, through intrigue and manouevers of its satellites in the Middle East the Arab aspiration to constitute a nation the civilizers close the road to those becoming civilized," The Arab League, as said before, is not officially recognized by Argentina. This does not mean, however, that it does not deploy great activity.
On the contrary, under the disguise of other names, or by fronting through other Arab or Argentine bodies, it is intensely active.
Its representative until lately was Issa Nakhle, who, inter alia, published under his editorship the journal "America y Oriente", starting from November 20, 1952, until he left the country in "AMERICA Y ORIENTE" was a very efficient arm of the Arab propaganda, and reached wide circulation among the leading J'eronist circles, antisemitic nationalist groups, nazi elements and university circles.
On the other it is apparent now that Issa Nakhle was the factotum of said journal, and since he left the country, it stopped publication and it seems that at the moment there are no people capable to continue the work.
Many other means are being used, in the meantime.- In that journal, besides the glorification of Naguib and later of Nasser, and of other Arab rulers, great space was devoted to falsifying grossly the real situation in the Middle East, and to infamous slanders against Israel, among them chiefly the item that "the Jews desecrate the holy places of Jerusalem", that they persecute other faiths, particularly the catholics.
One of its objectives was to incite the hate against the Jews of our own country. Furthermore, by establishing an identity of ideals between the Arab countries and Latin-America, based on pretended common longings of "liberation from the imperialist yoke and the flowering of the nationalist movements for freedom and progress", the journal suggested the establishment of a block of Latin-American countries in support of the Afro-asian demands, and particularly in support of the Arab demands. At the same time, and from the start, "america y ORIENTE" attacked the Jews. In an article called "The Arab League and Bonn", it criticized the decision of the Bonn government to the amount of 715 million dollars to the Jews as reparations, echoing the Arab League's protest before Bonn against that decision. It referred very often to the problem of the Arab refugees of Palestine. lt went so far as to praise openly the criminal and terrorist action of the "fedayeen", counting some of their "prowesses".
The virulence and the deleterious effects of the propaganda campaign managed by "America y Oriente", caused the DAIA to present July 23,1954, an ample memorandum to the Minister of the Interior, in which it was said that "It has become a custom with Arab publications appearing in Argentina to attack regularly and systematically the Jews living in this country, to whom is thus made extensive the hate against Israel in the Middle fast."
Previously, on December 2nd, 1953, in a note addressed to the same ministry, DAIA had drawn the attention to the anti-jewish campaign of "El Diario Sirio-Libanes".- In order to furnish a more precise idea about the danger involved in our country by Issa Nakhle's action, we may add the fact that the Israeli ambassador felt compelled to make a presentation before the Ministry for Foreign Affairs by the end of 1956, in which he drew the attention "to the activities of an organism called "Delegation of the League of Arab States" and of its head, Mr. Issa Nakhle, stressing that by a campaign of instigation to racial and religious hate an attempt is being made to create in the public opinion a feeling contrary to the friendly relations between Argentina and Israel.
This poisonous agitation, carried out through the despatch of letters and pamphlets profusely distributed in the streets, propagates vicious slander, appealing to the most primitive instincts and attempts to convince the public of the existence of a "world Jewish plot whose objective is to throw out Christianity from the holy places in Palestine".
This propaganda was a direct outgrowth of the one carried out in nazi Germany.
The presentation also stressed the fact that the person responsible for said campaign pretended to invest diplomatic character and was supposed to carry out a mission of the Syrian government before the Argentine government.
Issa Nakhle had started his activity in Buenos Aires several years earlier as Press Attache to the Egyptian Embassy, later he was the founder and editor of the journal "America y Oriente", known for its systematical anti-jewish campaign and its glorification of the totalitarian regimes, particularly of the nazi Germany.
In August 1956 Issa Nakhle returned to Argentina, after a prolonged trip to the Soviet Union, this time in his character of head of the "Delegation of the League of Arab States", armed with a diplomatic passport as plenipotentiary minister of the Syrian government.
This status created the mistaken impression that the formerly egyptian "diplomat" and present Syrian "diplomat" was exercising his authority with the Argentine government's consent Issa Nakhle, main promoter of the Arab propaganda campaigns has been succeeded by Nazih Hakim, who came to this country in June 1957 and henceforth deploys an intensive action, within the line established by his predecessor. He publishes pamphlets, inspires statements signed by institutions which seem to exist or revive only when there has to be signed some advertisement or statement,and gives lectures. Lately he has carried out a series of visits to the more important Arab communities in the provinces.
In these meetings propaganda films are displayed. He has attempted to have these d-ocumentals shown in commercial movie houses,up to now to no avail.he had planned for March last a great meeting in the city of Mendoza,with the cooperation of the Cuyo University. He sends petitions and protests to various embassies.from, his office have started various actions,particularly related to the problems of Algeria and Tunis.
He tries to establish offices; of the Arab League in other Latin-American countries.he is also endeavouring to attract to the Arab cause Argentine personalities. Nazih Hakim figures as Press councillor to the Syrian embassy in our country.
Attitudes towards Jews in Argentina - Jstor
by VA Mirelman · 1975
and published a bulletin under the name Tacuara which appeared irregularly. ... Issa Nakhle who had started his activity there as Press Attache of the Egyptian.
Formation of 'palestine Arab Delegation Announced by Arab at U. N.
July 19, 1961
The formation of a new, so-called Palestine Arab Delegation, dedicated to the termination of the unjustified occupation of 80 percent of the territory of Palestine by Zionist aliens, was announced here today.
The announcement was made in a communication signed by one Issa Nakhleh, who calls himself permanent representative of the Palestine Arab Delegation. Little is known here about Mr. Nakhleh, except that he claims to be a refugee from Palestine. It is understood that, since 1948, he has lived most of the time in Argentina. He has been in the United States since the fall of the Argentine regime headed by ex-dictator Juan Peron.
Investigation into abductions of American children to Saudi Arabia: hearings before the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, second session, June 12; October 2 and 3; and December 4 and 11, 2002, Volume 4 - United States, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Government Reform · 2003 · Custody of children
Mr . Nakhleh also suggests that this investigation is a result of Congress being controlled by the Israeli lobby . Have you heard anything like that...
The truth about Christians in 'Palestine'
By Joseph Farah
Published February 28, 2003 at 1:00am
There's a new propaganda effort under way designed to convince churches in the U.S. that Israel, not Yasser Arafat's the Palestinian Authority and the Arab states, is victimizing Christians in the Middle East.
The proposition would be laughable if it were not so well organized and ingeniously conceived and diabolically executed.
Israel Yearbook on Human Rights - Volumes 6-7 - Page 103 - 1976
Friendly Relations dealing with self-determination. ... terrorist groups, armed ..have massacred their way to world prominence, declared a religious war on the Jews of Israel to Muslim audiences, and then claimed to the Western public, with the aid of a “well-oiled” propaganda machine, that their only desire is to establish through self-determination a “democratic” and “secular” state in place of Israel.
... Israel is the only democratic state in the Middle East and that it carefully safeguards Arab rights within the context of an ongoing state of war. Nor have many stopped to think that the advocates of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) are governments that scorn human rights...
And few have realized that ... the Arabs have hit upon the principle of self-determination in order to disguise and justify a policy of territorial expansion, this time at Israel's expense.
For as Saadat Hassan of the PLO told the UN's Special Political Committee in November 1973 , the goal of the Palestinian Arabs was "self-determination in their entire homeland."
Issa Nakhleh of the Palestine Arab delegation amplified this on the following day with the statement that “[the] Palestinians
would never recognize Jewish sovereignty over a
single inch of Palestine."
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