
Showing posts from July, 2020

Shukairy 1958 background report and more

Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress -  United States. Congress · 1961 · Law In 1958 the society issued a special release exposing Shukairy's political background. ... In our special release we pointed out that the parallel was not as coincidental as it seemed “ for Mr. Shukairy was the righthand man of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler's most cooperative Arab agent." The ex-Mufti was a specialist in organizing pogroms against the Jews and he quickly became a favorite of Hitler. During World War II the ex-Mufti utilized Nazi propaganda facilities to incite the Arabs against the Allies.  Mr. Shukairy himself came to the United States in 1945 and established the “Arab Office” which, for all intents and purposes, served as a propaganda outlet in the US for the anti-democratic Policies of the ex-Mufti. In 1946, Shukairy Joined the Arab higher committee which was also headed by the ex- Mufti.  Shukairy got his start in politics in the early 1930s w...

Arab Higher Committee July 1947 Sabath US Congress

Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Volume 93, Part 11, United States Congress, 1947, pp.2819-2821 The Leaders of the So-Called Arab Higher Committee Should Be on Trial at Nuremberg, Not Accredited to the United Nations EXTENSION OF REMARKS of HON. ADOLPH. J. SABATH of illinois IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, June 9, 1947 Mr. SABATH. Mr. Speaker, the decent people of America learned with horror a few weeks ago that the so-called Higher Arab Committee, headed by the notorious collaborator with the Nazis, Haj Amin El-Hussein, the Mufti of Jerusalem, has been accredited to the United Nations Assembly, I would have thought the Mufti's blood-stained record is known to all. I have in my own files a copy of a carefully documented statement showing his war record of active collaboration with the Axis, which was presented to our State Department more than a year ago his sins Forgiven. It now appears, however, that not only will the Mufti not face trial ...

Mundo árabe & Islam

Though: httpnit all Arab immigrants in Chile were/are Muslim, but it has promoted Islamic material promoting selling Koran June 1954 noche sagrada musulmana? And has published much of 'el diario Assalam'. (The daily Assalam). Here is another gem of Assalam, published in Mundo Árabe Jan 5, 1951: Artículo Página 1 Mundo Árabe / 05 ene 1951 Contiene: Empleo de La Atómica prescrito por el Corán Lo más altos representantes de la democracia y debía justicia internacional no se dejaron deslumbrar por el reflejo del Dinero j. Del diario Assalam en Buenos Aires The highest representatives of democracy and international justice should not be dazzled by the reflection of the Arab money

Mundo Árabe, la-Reforma - Jorge Sabaj Zurob: 'Arab world' magazine, excerpts from its vile racism and propaganda (buddy with Issa Nakhleh)

Mundo Árabe , la-Reforma - Jorge Sabaj Zurob: 'Arab world' magazine, excerpts from its vile racism and propaganda (buddy with Issa Nakhleh in the 1950s) _________ 1933 Editor-Propietario: Jorge Sabaj Z. "La Reforma" Santiago, 13 de abril, 1933 La política anti sionista en Alemania  Hitler en un poderoso se ha hechado la carga encima de sanear a Alemania. Cueste lo que cueste Noble empeño de un verdadero patriota ..."hay que limpiar la casa" ha dicho uni de los grandes políticos que dirige políticos dirigentes de partido nacista.. ... desde luego , como una medida sana y inevitable ha separado a todos los empleados de origen judío  por ser peligrosos o indeseables.  Esta política ha sido mirada en el mundo entero como un movimiento anti sionista y ha levantado las protestas consiguientes de los poderosos. No obstante, Hitler sigue impertérrito, y su gobierno ha declarado que se trata de "una sana medida" de orden interno, para levantar el presti...

El mundo árabe April 8, 1949 (Issa Nakhle's buddy)

"La Reforma" Santiago, 13 de abril, 1933 La política anti sionista en Alemania  Hitler en un poderoso se ha hechado la carga encima de sanear a Alemania. Cueste lo que cueste Noble empeño de un verdadero patriota ..."hay que limpiar la casa" ha dicho uni de los grandes políticos que dirige políticos dirigentes de partido nacista.. ... desde luego , como una medida sana y inevitable ha separado a todos los empleados de origen judío  por ser peligrosos o indeseables.  Esta política ha sido mirada en el mundo entero como un movimiento anti sionista y ha levantado las protestas consiguientes de los poderosos. No obstante, Hitler sigue impertérrito, y su gobierno ha declarado que se trata de "una sana medida" de orden interno, para levantar el prestigio de la patria y evitar que malos elementos medren bajo su pabellón.  Espectadores, como somos, de esta gran movimiento nacionalista de una de las naciones más buen irganizadas del mundo, no podemos dejar de comen...

Shukairy And Sirota atrack

El caso Sirota y los días oscuros del año 1962 - Radio JAI Feb 3, 2020 ... el Movimiento Nacionalista Tacuara publicó en el mes de octubre un folleto de 32 págs. titulado  "Elcaso Sirota y el problema judío en la Argentina", en el que intentaba demostrar la "provocación" de la colectividad judía al programar la denuncia del caso Sirota contra el nacionalismo argentino y el país. A partir de este caso la fama de Tacuara trascendió las fronteras. En Nueva York, el Congreso Judío Mundial denunció ante las Naciones Unidas las actividades nazis en América. Al mismo tiempo, el representante de Arabia Saudita ante el organismo internacional saludaba "la cruzada de Tacuara contra el sionismo" y expresaba su deseo de que el movimiento se extienda por toda Latinoamérica... [The Sirota case and the dark days of 1962 - Feb.3.2020 ...The Nationalist Tacuara  Movement published a 32-page pamphlet in October. Entitled "The Sirota case and the Jewish problem in Argen...

Shukairy Sep.1962, in Moscow

Mark N. Katz, Russia and Arabia, Soviet Foreign Policy toward the Arabian Peninsula, 1986, p. 134 Saudi Ambassador to the United Nations, Ahmad Shukairy (who later became the first head of the PLO), went to Hoscow and was warmly received by Khrushchev. These were the first publicly acknowledged visits to the USSR by Saudi officials since Faysal went there in 1932. The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee , September 13, 1962 , Page 19   Khrushchev Receives Shukairy at Resort MOSCOW - Premier Khrushchev received yesterday Ahmad Shukairy, Saudi Arabia's representative to the United Nations, at his Black Sea vacation resort... The Soviet news agency Tass reported they talked in a friendly atmosphere. Shukairy arrived here last week on an official visit. /

Mufti: 1920 Pogrom

MUFTI: 1920 POGROM The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia ...: An Authoritative and ..., Volume 5, Isaac Landman, Louis Rittenberg, Simon Cohen -  1941 , p.507 HUSSEINI , HAJ AMIN AL - , former Mufti of Jerusalem , one time head of the Moslem Supreme Council , and leader of the Arab anti-British , anti-Jewish opposition in Palestine and in the Near East , b. Jerusalem, Palestine , 1893.  ... His speeches, pamphlets and articles in the newspaper Suria al Jenobia ( Southern Syria ) were primarily responsible for the outbreak of the 1920 pogrom in Jerusalem .. Mufti of Jerusalem; the Story of Haj Amin El Husseini - Page 12 - Moshe Pearlman - 1947  Aref was alleged to have been the person in command of the attackers . Haj Amin · was charged with incitement to violence . The spark was said to have been touched off by his inflammatory articles in the newspaper Suriyah al Janubiyah.

Farhud: Futuwwa; Mufti; Hitler's F. Grobba; Rashid 'Ali

Farhud -  June-1941 pogrom on Jews in Iraq, only for being Jews:  Hitler's F. Grobba; Nazi propaganda over the airwaves; ex-Mufti al-Husseini; Rashid 'Ali; Syrian/Palestinisn teachers; Arab-Nazi Futuwwa gang; Iraqi police/army  Between 180 - 780 died and 1,000 injured   ____ Carole L. Basri: ' The Jews of Iraq: A Forgotten Case of Ethnic Cleansing ,' 2003, p.12  The official Iraqi Government report concerning the Farhud laid the blame for the slaughter on six sources. First  , the report noted the responsibility of the German Legation , for spreading sustained anti - Jewish  Nazi propaganda  under the direction of Dr . Fritz  Grobba . A  second  source of incitement was the  Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseni  and his entourage, which accompanied him to Iraq in 1940 . As the report stated: "Once he was firmly established , he began disseminating Nazi propaganda with great cunning, while decrying the injustice done to Pale...