Mundo Árabe, la-Reforma - Jorge Sabaj Zurob: 'Arab world' magazine, excerpts from its vile racism and propaganda (buddy with Issa Nakhleh)
Mundo Árabe, la-Reforma - Jorge Sabaj Zurob: 'Arab world' magazine, excerpts from its vile racism and propaganda (buddy with Issa Nakhleh in the 1950s)
Editor-Propietario: Jorge Sabaj Z.
"La Reforma"
Santiago, 13 de abril, 1933
La política anti sionista en Alemania
Hitler en un poderoso se ha hechado la carga encima de sanear a Alemania. Cueste lo que cueste Noble empeño de un verdadero patriota ..."hay que limpiar la casa" ha dicho uni de los grandes políticos que dirige políticos dirigentes de partido nacista.. ... desde luego , como una medida sana y inevitable ha separado a todos los empleados de origen judío por ser peligrosos o indeseables.
Esta política ha sido mirada en el mundo entero como un movimiento anti sionista y ha levantado las protestas consiguientes de los poderosos.
No obstante, Hitler sigue impertérrito, y su gobierno ha declarado que se trata de "una sana medida" de orden interno, para levantar el prestigio de la patria y evitar que malos elementos medren bajo su pabellón.
Espectadores, como somos, de esta gran movimiento nacionalista de una de las naciones más buen irganizadas del mundo, no podemos dejar de comentar este hermoso espectáculo de sabia política y pensamos: ¿cuando se limpiará la casa en Palestina? La hora habrá de llegar, cuando los pueblos soberanos se gobiernen así mismo sin la intervención ni mandato de nadie.
Página 1
La Reforma / 08 abr 1933
Santiago, April 13, 1933
[Anti-Zionist Policy in Germany
Hitler in a powerful has taken the burden on himself to clean up Germany. Whatever it takes Noble endeavor of a true patriot ... "you have to clean the house" has said one of the great politicians who directs political leaders of the Nazi party .. ... of course, as a healthy and inevitable measure has separated all employees of Jewish origin, for being dangerous or undesirable.
This policy has been regarded .. as an anti-Zionist movement and has raised the consequent protests of the powerful.
However, Hitler remains undeterred, and his government has declared that it is "a healthy measure" of internal order, to raise the prestige of the country and prevent bad elements from thriving under his flag.
Spectators, as we are, of this great nationalist movement of one of the most well-organized nations in the world, we cannot stop commenting on this beautiful spectacle of wise politics and we think: when will the house in Palestine be cleaned? The time will come when the sovereign peoples govern themselves without the intervention or mandate of anyone.]
(Ex-La Reforma)
Director Jorge Sabaj Zurob
Mundo Árabe 16 ene, 1948:
'La Tierra Santa no sea nunca Patria del J. Internacional'
[The Holy Land is never the Homeland of the International J]
Mundo Árabe 28 ene, 1948:
Mundo Arabe
(Ex-La Reforma)
Director Jorge Sabaj Zurob
(Portraying a good lady-spy as a "bad" morals "typically" of J woman.... )
Moral de la mujer j.
Se casó con el objeto de delatar las actividades de su "querido" esposo: un sargento Británico
[J. woman's moral
She married in order to expose the activities of her "dear" husband: a British sergeant].
Mundo Árabe 26 feb, 1948
Mundo Arabe
(Ex-La Reforma)
Director Jorge Sabaj Zurob
El comienzo de la venganza árabe
Abd el Kader Husseini líder de la guerrillas Árabes ..con el segundo de mando oficial de esta fuerzas Kamel Effendi jefe de la fuerzas ejercitos futuwa..recordarán nuestros lectores que en ediciones anteriores publicamos de este jefe una carta enviada a nuestro Directo con su fotografía...Ultima teléfoto desde el Cairo de las actividades del gran mufti de Jerusalén en egpyto.
[The beginning of the Arab revenge
Abd el Kader Husseini leader of the Arab guerrillas ... with the official second command of this forces Kamel Effendi head of the futuwa army forces ... our readers will remember that in previous editions we published a letter sent to our Director with his photograph ...Latest photo of grand mufti at activities in Egypt]
Mundo Árabe 31 mar, 1948:
antisemitic cartoon, j. with bag of money tips scale against Arabs, causing US to stab UN , portrayed as big girl..
Mundo Árabe 06 ago, 1948:
[The editor, Arab immigrant from palestine 1931, criticizes migration of Haim Waitzman changing places pre WW2, but, him he rather brands, that his homeland is money, gold. That's his "morality". The Arab racist says this is, "as a good J".]
Pequeña biografía del presidente de Israel Haim Waisman
Nació en Rusia, se hizo sucesivamente, alemán, británico, norteamericano y de M nuevo sionista . -- como buen judío no tiene patria. -- adora el Becerro de Oro y su moral está regulada por el %... creemos que esta pequeña biografía de Haim Waisman para que el mundo entero se dé cuenta -- una millonésima prueba más -- de que el j... no tiene otra patria que aquella en que gana plata ya que su egida espiritual es el Becerro de Oro y su código moral esra señalado con el signo %.
[Small biography of the President of Israel Haim Waitzman
He was born in Russia, he became, successively, German, British, North American and from a new Zionist. - As a good J... he has no homeland. - he adores the Golden Calf and his morale is regulated by% ... we believe that this little biography of Haim Waisman for the whole world to realize - one millionth more proof - that the j ... has no homeland other than the one in which it earns money since its spiritual egida is the Golden Calf and its moral code is marked with the% sign.]
Sep 16, 1948: propagating entire mufti's speech...
Mundo Árabe 23 sep, 1948:
Los j... son enemigos de la democracia...
[The j..s are enemies of democracy...]
(Yes, Arab world is/was the "democratic" one... supposedly).
Mundo Árabe 30 sep, 1948:
(Bragging with pride of a German fighter's statement:)
Lo que declara un alemán que combate en las filas del ejército de la liberación, "antes, no quería los árabes y odiaba a los j., y hoy quiero a los árabes y odio aún más a los j.".
[What a German who fights in the ranks of the Liberation Army declares, "Before, I did not love the Arabs and I hated the J, and today I love the Arabs and I hate the J even more.]
Mundo Árabe 28 oct, 1948:
Oro j... corrompe conciencias
[J Gold ... corrupts consciences]
Mundo Árabe / 08 abr 1949:
Merecen los j... un castigo peor que el que les dio Hitler...Protocoles de los sabios de sion, muerte para.. Página 1
[The J... deserve a worse punishment than the one Hitler gave them ... Protocols of the elders of Zion, death for ...]
Lo más altos representantes de la democracia y debía justicia internacional no se dejaron deslumbrar por el reflejo delDinero j... Del diario Assalam en Buenos Aires, Argentina
(Original from Rose el Yousef of Cairo
Cartoon, a big Arab with a "symatric" nose...attacks with a dagger a small hooked nose Jew..
Página 11
Mundo Árabe / 01 jun 1966
Ahmad Shukairy, Yusef Ascharif, Alí Amer...
With Issa Nakhleh
Página 10
Mundo Árabe / 31 ene 1952
Agradecimiento del Sr. Isa Najle...
Agradecimientos y felicitaciones a esta audición.. semanario "mundo árabe".
[Thanks from Mr. Isa Najle ...Thanks and congratulations to this audition .. weekly "Mundo Arabe"]
Página 7
Mundo Árabe / 25 jun 1954
El director de "América y Oriente"
Nuestro distinguido colega, Sr Isa Najle, Director de "América y Oriente," vendrá proximamente a Chile.
[The director of "America y Oriente"
Our distinguished colleague, Mr. Isa Najle, Director of "America y Oriente," will be coming to Chile soon.]
Página 10
Mundo Árabe / 14 sep 1955
Isa Najle director de la revista "América Y Oriente".....estuvo entre nosotros de paso... destacamos la comida ofrecida... invitados de honor... y el director de "mundo árabe" ..
[Isa Najle editor of the magazine "América Y Oriente" ..... was among us on the way ... we highlight the food offered ... guests of honor ... and the director of "Mundo Arabe"..]
Sr Isa Najle .. Mundo Árabe - viernes 24 agosto 1956
Popular Chilean Newspaper Charges Arab Publication with Incitement Against Jews
August 1, 1949
A demand that the Chilean Government take action against the Chilean Arab newspaper Mundo Arabe if it continues its anti-Jewish campaign is voiced in the widely read Santiago newspaper Noticias de Ultima Hora, just received here.
The Santiago publication aserts that neither the Jewish nor Arab communities in Chile have any desire to war on each other, and charges the Arab newspaper and a radio station of the same name with inciting the people of Chile against the Jews. It adds that the Arabe Mundo served as a propaganda organ of the Nazis during the late war and as such was blacklisted by the Allies.
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