Shukairy plus

The Arab propagandists try to revert the harm made by their genocidal declarations

Palestinians and Israel - Pages 70-71 - Yehoshafat Harkabi - John Wiley and Sons, 1975 - 285 pages

When, after the Six-Day War, the Arabs realized that their wild statements had harmed their international reputation, they moderated their shrill demands for the annihilation of Israel. Arab propagandists denied that they had ever advocated the slaughter of the Jewish population,...

Ahmed Shukeiry insisted that he never advocated throwing the Jews into the sea, that the whole thing was merely a Zionist libel. What he meant, he explained, was that the Jews would return to their countries of origin by way of the sea: ...

(The Israeli-Arab reader: a documentary history of the Middle East conflict - Walter Laqueur - Bantam Books, 1976 - History - 585 pages - Page 532

Society: Volume 7

Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.). Community Leadership Project - 1969 - (Rutgers--The State University,) - Page 138

The leader of the Palestine liberation organization, Ahmed Shukeiry (who has since been pushed into the background) attempted to defend himself against the accusation of using wildly genocidal rhetoric by claiming thad he had never... He explained that what he meant was that the Jews would return to their countries of origin by way of the sea: "They came by the sea and will return by the sea." This was a means of annihilation transformed into a means of transportation and a campaign of violence transformed into an international resettlement project. At the same time as this rectification campaign was going on...

The Arab Design for Israel’s Annihilation: The Record of Aggression, 1958-1967.

28 May 1967, Ahmed Shukairy, Head of the Palestine Liberation Organization: “China supplies us with weapons so that they be used for the liberation. The weapons of China which we have received free of charge will be put into action in order to destroy Tel-Aviv.”,_1958-1967.


Prevent World War III.: Issues 58-64

Society for the Prevention of World War III (New York, N.Y.) - 1961 - Snippet view (Pages 10, 24)

In its larger context, Mr. Shukairy's hate inciting diatribes underline the urgency for comprehensive actions to demilitarize the Middle East under appropriate controls and safeguards.


Shukairy summed up the Arabs' bellicose attitude towards the West and staked out Nasser's claim to empire, in a speech whose tone and content were reminiscent of the diatribes hurled against the Western democracies by the Nazi leaders

Middle East Record Volume 1, 1960 - Page 178

Yitzhak Oron, Ed. - Full view

M. Comay of the Israel delegation rose after Shukairy's speech "to register our sense of disgust that there should be on the records of the Assembly a comparison of any people, my own and any other, with the Nazis.

Jewish currents: Volume 21

 Morning Freiheit Association - 1967 - Snippet view - Page 47

Ahmed Shukairy, anti-Semitic adventurer heading the so-called Palestine Liberation Army, interviewed in Cairo, was quoted by the West German Bonner Rundschau in Dec. as stating that "the only possibilities for a solution" to the ... , for helping murder about 250, 000 people, mostly Jews, in the Nazi extermination camp at Sobibor, Poland, ...


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