Israel vs Genocide
Ramparts - Volume 6, Issues 6-12 (Noah's Ark), 1968, p. 23
When you stand across the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem road from Latrun, which was the site of a major Arab-Israel battle in 1948, and you see Latrun (now a Trappist Monastery) up on a hill overlooking the road, you realize that only several hundred yards separated Israeli settlements from Jordanian troops. It then becomes clear what an Israeli, especially if he lives on the border, means when he says that his existence, his life, depended on whether or not he won the war in June, and on whether Israel can now secure more viable borders. The security problem and the border situation and the question of death and life in Israel are inseparable.
For those of us who live in a country of vast frontiers, it is an abstraction to talk about “territorial acquisition.” For the Israelis, maintaining their hold on Latrun and the old road between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem is vital. They cannot return to the border situation they had before.
As to Arab intentions, Israelis will readily tell you that Azzam Pasha, then secretary general of the Arab League, stated the Arab war aims on May 15, 1948 (as reported by the BBC that day), quite clearly: “This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades.” They will remind you that Ahmed Shukairy, who now claims to be leading a "war of national liberation," and who directs the so-called Palestine Liberation Organization and talks so glibly of anti-imperialism, is a reactionary landlord who first headed the Syrian delegation and then the Saudi Arabian delegation to the U.N. before suddenly donning his new anti-imperialist clothes. But his aims have not changed since he was a reprepsentative of the Palestine Arab High Committee before the U.N. and stated (as recorded in the Official Records of the General Assembly, May 15, 1948, p. 650): "The war aims of the Arabs were the elimination of the Jewish State." The position of the Arab regimes was stated again, after the six-day war, by General Abdul Rahman Arif of Iraq: "The existence of Israel," he said on June 28,1967, "is in itself an aggression and must therefore be repulsed, and there must be a return to a normal situation."
Congressional Record
Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress · Volume 109, Part 6
By United States. Congress · 1963 - Page 7270
When a group of brave men gathered in Tel Aviv to proclaim the establishment of the State of Israel, the country was already in the midst of war. Irregular Arab bands had crossed the border some months earlier and were attempting to “throw the Jews into the Sea."
Israel's Struggle for Peace
Israel Office of Information (New York, N.Y.) — 1960 · Arab-Israeli conflict
Ahmed Shukairy , today UN Representative of Saudi Arabia , then representative of the Palestine Arab High Comittee added: "The war aims of the Arabs were the elimination of the Jewish State."
[First Comittee, General Assembly, Official Records, page 650]
O Jerusalem!
Larry Collins, Dominique Lapierre, (Simon and Schuster), 2007, p. 408
Haj Amin Husseini's spokesman Ahmed Shukairy announced the Arabs' goals as "the elimination of the Jewish State."
The Case for Israel - Page 94
The first Arab communiqué predicted victory within a week. Had any doubts existed abroad as to the Arabs' intentions, they were quickly dispelled by Azzam Pasha, then secretary general of the Arab League. At a press conference in Cairo on the day that the invasion of Israel began, he said, "This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades.
His apocalyptic prognosis was confirmed by Ahmed Shukairy, then spokesman for Mufti Husseini's Palestine Arab High Committee.
Shukairy said, the Arabs' war aims were, simply, "the elimination of the Jewish State."
It would be difficult to imagine a clearer statement of Arab war aims in the Middle East.
Arab policy as enunciated by Azzam and Shukairy added up to Judenrein - a Middle East "free of Jews" - precisely what Hitler had hoped to achieve , and very nearly succeeded in achieving , in Europe . The Arabs had not disclaimed, indeed, they had flaunted, their responsibility for the outbreak of hostilities in 1947 “ for the
Frank Gervasi, Abba Eban, 1967
The terror behind Iraq's Jewish exodus
Julia Magnet. The Daily Telegraph. 28 Apr 2003
... "In the first half of the 20th century," he says, "there was a sense in which Baghdad was a Jewish city: we were the educated, the middle classes."
[...] Sadly, what this couple remember is only an interlude: the persecution of the Jews had started 20 years before. In June 1941, there was the Farhud - or pogrom - during which "the mob wreaked havoc", recalls Kahtan.
"For two days, they killed Jews in the streets, kidnapped girls, raped them, killed them and mutilated the bodies. They burned property, looted houses - it's estimated that about 600 Jews were killed in those two days."
... In the Thirties, the rise of pan-Arab nationalism coincided with the second King Faisal's admiration of the Nazis.
By 1936, says Sylvia Kedourie, widow of the eminent Middle Eastern scholar Elie Kedourie, there were "episodes of Jews being killed in the streets that led to a growing sense of insecurity". Meanwhile, Zionism was on the rise, and though the Iraqi Jews were hardly Zionists, many Arabs began to see them as hostile, intent on conquering Arab territory.
The Nazi agenda crystallised Arab anti-semitism. On April 3, 1941, the rabidly pro-Nazi Rashid Ali, a former prime minister, with a group of similarly inclined politicians and army officers, staged a coup against Faisal II. Rashid Ali's aim was to root out British influence and ally Iraq with the Nazis.
His new "government" declared war on Britain, and was promptly defeated. On May 31, Rashid Ali fled. But his soldiers and policemen, inflamed by Nazi ideas, started the Farhud - aided by the Arab mob. Although the British Army was stationed outside Baghdad, it waited for two days before stopping the massacre: "They didn't want to wound Iraqi pride," says Kahtan.
"I was a very young child at the time, but certain things are imprinted on your mind. On the first day, the mob came to our door to do their business. The house was rented from a Muslim neighbour, of the old generation, and he came down with his rifle, shot in the air, and said: 'These people are under my protection; anyone who lifts a finger will be dead' - and he drove them off. [...]
"When the whole question of the partition of Palestine came up," says Dr Zubaida, "all the Arab countries sent armies to Palestine, including Iraq. This generated a kind of hysteria, and then Jews who were prominent in public life started being sacked and students in higher education started being expelled."
Kahtan was 10 in 1948, when the state of Israel was declared. The son of his Muslim neighbour - the one who had saved his family - called him into his house.
"He was 19. He showed me a map and said: 'Today, seven armies are going to attack Israel, kill all the Jews and throw the survivors into the sea.' Now, that was the son - you see what a change of mentality had taken place. I'll leave it to your imagination to think what change of mentality has taken place between 1948 and now."
Second answer to the professors - from (A.) Dov Ben Meir's desk. June, 2007
The war against the Jewish community began on November 30, 1947 (and not on May 15, 1948). It started a day after the UN resolution and the statement of the Palestinian representative at the UN - Ahmad Shukeiri, that every word included in the UN resolution will be erased with the blood of the Jews.
On that day, seven innocent Jewish citizens traveling on a bus near the city of Lod were killed. since then, until the date of the tragic event in Deir Yassin (April 1948), thousands of Jews were killed by Palestinians - in attacks on Jewish settlements, Jewish neighborhoods and road transportation.
This was an irregular civil war on the part of the Palestinians, in which the villagers took part and Arab urban youth - in the form of hundreds of organized groups that launched attacks on their Jewish neighbors.
[תשובה שניה לפרופסורים - משולחנו של דב בן מאיר.
יוני, 2007]
* 1948 * [Muslim Brotherhood - al-Banna]
AIM TO OUST JEWS PLEDGED BY SHEIKH; Head of Moslem Brotherhood Says U.S., British 'Politics' Has Hurt Palestine Solution
Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES.By Dana Adams Schmidt.
Aug. 2, 1948
CAIRO, Egypt, Aug. 1 -- Sheikh Hassan el-Bana, head of the Moslem Brotherhood, largest of the extremist Arab nationalist organizations, declared in an interview today:
“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea.”
Israel And The Arab World
By R. Adler
The Canadian Jewish Chronicle - Feb 10, 1956
In 1948 the UN decided on partition, Britain left Palestine, the Jewish people proclaimed their state and the Arab armies invaded the territory to drive the Jews into the sea.
The unprovoked war was started by the Arabs outside of Palestine and instigated by the old enemies of the Zionist cause, the former Mufti of Jerusalem and the Syrian renegade Kawakji who were responsible for all previous attacks on the Jews of Palestine.,678952&hl=en
Economic and Military Cooperation with Nations in the General Area of the Middle East: Hearings Before the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Eighty-Fifth Congress, First Session, on Jan. 7- 10, 15-17, 22, 1957
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs · 1957 · Page 415
Mr. JUDD... I appreciate the great fear that exists. The Arabs make statements that they will drive the Israelis into the sea. So the Israelis are afraid.
Nasser And The Cohens
By I. Bar-Moshe
The Canadian Jewish Chronicle - Aug 5, 1960
[The following is a reprint from The Jerusalem Post of the July 5, 1960. It contains an interesting evaluation of the new trends of the U.A.R. propaganda.
There is something old about Semites turning Anti-Semitic...
On May 26, the 'Voice of the Arabs' introduced an Algerian poet who recited a long poem, every line of which contained crude curses against the Jews.
Recitations from the Koran and sermons have lately drawh heavily on anti-Jews texts. -- not a difficult text when we remember that the Koran contains pro and anti-Jewish versus.
New songs have appeared on the Egyptian radio in which anti-Jewish themes predominate more than the theme of Palestine.
A song introduced on the 14th of the last month reads in part:
"We shall trample the Jews underfoot.
We shall break their swords...
And then where will the Jews go?"
On the 12th of last month, the voice of the Arabs' said: hitler realized that the Jews were the human bring, thus Hitler took up the slaughter of the Jews in order to cleanse the earth of them.'
A Nasserist weekly in Lebanon, 'Al Answar,' published a caricature in which Eichman is sentenced to death because he left so many Jews un-slaughtered.
Another Nasserist weekly 'Al Sayaad,' depicted Cohen, standing this time for Anerican Jewry, as the criminal who should have been gassed to death instead of Chess-man.
Where will this lead to Nasser?...
Recently the 'Voice of Arabs' have increased the number of programmes and speeches which end with the threat of throwing the Jews into the sea and exterminating to the last man in an Arab 'Holy March on Israel.'
But the Nasser's Cohen line might also he a latter-day affect of the increasing number of Nazi experts who have found their shelters in Egpyt and in Syria.,3193687&hl=en
Column One: Why the concern for UNRWA? - The Jerusalem Post
JULY 6, 2018
... As then-Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser said in 1960, "If the refugees return to Israel, Israel will cease to exist."
Confident that they could drive the Jews into the sea, Arab leaders refused all compromise. Theirs was a disastrous decision.
An excerpt from Benny Morris's new book, '1948' - The Jerusalem Post
May 7, 2008 — The 1948 War was a milestone in a contest between two national ... And some Arab leaders spoke of driving the Jews into the sea and...
1948, Israel and the Palestinians: The True Story
May 8, 2008 12:01 am ET
Sixty years after its establishment by an internationally recognized act of self-determination, Israel remains the only state in the world that is subjected to a constant outpouring of the most outlandish conspiracy theories and blood libels; whose policies and actions are obsessively condemned by the international community; and whose right to exist is constantly debated and challenged not only by its Arab enemies but by segments of advanced opinion in the West.
Nor did the Arabs attempt to hide their culpability. As the Jews set out to lay the groundwork for their nascent state while simultaneously striving to convince their Arab compatriots that they would be (as Ben-Gurion put it) “equal citizens, equal in everything without any exception,” Palestinian Arab leaders pledged that “should partition be implemented, it will be achieved only over the bodies of the Arabs of Palestine, their sons, and their women.”
Qawuqji vowed "to drive all Jews into the sea." Abdel Qader Husseini stated that "the Palestine problem will only be solved by the sword; all Jews must leave Palestine.”
1948, Israel, and the Palestinians—The True Story
An exhaustive review of the archival evidence tells a ruinous tale of villainy and betrayal.
by Efraim Karsh
* 1967 * [Egpyt's Nasser, Iraq's Aref, "Palestine" Ahmad Shukairy]
The record of aggression, the Arab design for Israel's annihilation. July, 1967, p.3
Driving the Jews into the sea: Cover of a Syrian-textbook
Jewish Currents - Volume 21 - 1967 (Contributor: Morning Freiheit Association)
Ahmed Shukairy, anti-Semitic adventurer heading the so-called Palestine Liberation Army, interviewed in Cairo, was quoted by the West German Bonner Rundschau in Dec. as stating that "the only possibilities for a solution" to the Israel-Arab conflict are "liquidation of the State of Israel" and "return to their homeland of all the Jews who came to Palestine after 1947."
The Sun Stood Still - Page 42
Roderick MacLeish - Atheneum, 1967
On the carpeted back wall of the platform, two huge cartoons reminded everyone of what the rally was all about; one showed a muscular arm dangling a scrawny, squalling Jew over water—“We will push the Jews into the sea”—and the other portrayed a splendid Egyptian soldier miles high straddling the Gulf of Aqaba, with one paratrooper boot planted on Saudi Arabia and the other on the Sinai.
The new arrivals were half-hoisted up onto the platform, chairs were brought for them and they were told that the high moment would come when Achmed Shukairy, the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, appeared to make a speech. Shukairy is a migratory figure in the councils of Arab extremism who has been, among other things, ambassador for both Syria and Saudi Arabia at the United Nations.
In the early summer of 1967 his capacity for hellfire oratory was serving a particular purpose of the Egyptian government; since they were operating in both the intemperate world of Arab politics and the broader sphere of international...,+among+other+things,+ambassador+for%22
Military Law Review - Volumes 151-154 - Pages 247-248. 1996
Arab intentions were clear. On May 27, President Nasser of Egypt made a public statement proclaiming: Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel.
President Aref of Iraq , predecessor to the current Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein , proclaimed a similar intention: The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear — to wipe Israel off the map.
And finally, the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Ahmed Shukairy, predecessor of the current Chairman, Yasser Arafat, stated on June 1 as follows:
This is a fight for the homeland - it is either us or the Israelis. There is no middle road. The Jews of Palestine will have to leave. We will facilitate their departure to their former homes. Any of the old Palestine Jewish population who survive may stay, but it is my impression that none of them will survive.
The New Middle East, Issues 16-39, New Middle East 1970, p. 4:
Mr Shukairy claims that when in his days of glory he publicly advocated the liquidation of Israel and "sweeping of the Jews into the sea," he reflected the accepted official Arab outlook, an outlook that was changed only by the outcome of the war of 1967.
Mr Shukairy is indignant that such extremism should be fathered on him alone. .
Middle East Happenings, Colloquies, Images, Mythologies: A Response in Perspective to Some Current Positions. Joseph Neyer, American Academic Association for Peace in the Middle East, 1971, p.24
The reference to "the well-known Shukeirian” solution is intended to recall the views of Ahmed Shukeiri, leader of the P.L.O. until the defeat of June 1967. His name has become a symbol of genocidal aims against the Jews.
Arab leaders did plan to eliminate Israel in Six-Day War
Op-ed: During the 1967 war, Israel seized Egyptian and Jordanian operational documents with clear orders to annihilate the civil population. Nevertheless, different academics are distorting the facts in a bid to turn the Arabs into victims and Israel into an aggressor. Here’s the real story.
Ben-Dror Yemini|Published: 05.29.17 , 18:28
More than anything else, the Six-Day War has turned into a rewritten war. A sea of publications deal with what happened at the time. Gamal Abdel Nasser’s Egypt, the revisionists assert, had no ability to fight Israel, and anyway, he had no intention to do so.
It’s true that he made threats. It’s true that he sent more and more divisions to Sinai. It’s true that he expelled the United Nations observers. It’s true that he incited the masses in Arab countries. It’s true that the Arab regimes rattled their sabers and prepared for war. It’s true that he closed the Straits of Tiran. It’s true that Israel was besieged from its southern side. It’s true that this was a serious violation of international law. It’s true that it was a “casus belli” (a case of war).
All that doesn’t matter, however, because there is a mega-narrative that obligates the forces of progress to exempt the Arabs from responsibility and point the accusing finger at Israel. And when there is a narrative, who needs facts? After all, according to the mega-narrative, Israel had expansionist plans, so it seized the opportunity. Different scholars are distorting the facts in a bid to turn the Arabs into victims and Israel into an aggressor.
Excuse us for winning
I was a child, an elementary school student. I remember fear, a lot of fear. There were no shelters in the house I lived in. It was clear that there would be bombings, so we dug pits in the yard.
Occasionally, we are reminded of the sound of thunder from Cairo to remind us of the annihilation threats. But in fact, they were much more serious. Both the Arab League and the leaders of all neighboring states announced in an unequivocal manner that the plan was annihilation. I repeat: Annihilation. Arrogant talk? Considering the fact that the Arab and Muslim world was engaged in endless self and mutual massacres, it was pretty clear that what they were doing to themselves—and it’s still going on—they would also do to Israel.
We must remember one thing, therefore: The alternative to victory was annihilation. So excuse us for winning. Because an occupation without an annihilation is preferable to an annihilation without an occupation.
‘Our goal is clear: To wipe Israel off the map’
The Arab states never accepted the State of Israel’s existence, not for a moment. There was no occupation from 1949 to 1967, but a Palestinian state wasn’t established, because the leaders of the Arab world didn’t want another state. They wanted Israel. They didn’t hide their intentions for a minute.
The new stage began in 1964. On the backdrop of a conflict over the water sources, the Arab League convened in Cairo and announced: “... collective Arab military preparations, when they are completed, will constitute the ultimate practical means for the final liquidation of Israel.”
Two years went by, and then-defense minister Hafez Assad, who went on to become Syria's president, declared: "Strike the enemy’s settlements, turn them into dust, pave the Arab roads with the skulls of Jews.” And to erase any doubt, he added: "We are determined to saturate this earth with your (Israeli) blood, to throw you into the sea.”
Nine days before the war broke out, Nasser said: “The Arab people want to fight. Our basic aim is the destruction of the State of Israel.” Two more days passed before Iraq’s president, Abdul Rahman Arif, joined the threats: “This is our chance…our goal is clear: To wipe Israel off the map.”
Two days before the war broke out, PLO founder and leader Ahmad Shukieri said: “Whoever survives will stay in Palestine, but in my opinion, no one will remain alive.” Yes, that was the atmosphere. Does anyone still seriously think that those were just declarations? Does anyone think that their intention was an enlightened occupation? Does anyone think that there would not have been a mass slaughter like the one Egypt carried out in Yemen and later on in Biafra?,7340,L-4968426,00.html
* Hezbollah's Nassrallah *
Nasrallah alleges 'Christian Zionist' plot | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR Oct. 23, 2002
Nasrallah said their [Chrs.] aim was to return the Jews to Israel and rebuild their temple, destroyed by the Romans in 70AD, over the Al-Aqsa Mosque....However, Nasrallah added, “if they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.”...
* PA and Hitler *
Hitler honored through PA radio quiz
Voice of Palestine radio contest "His golden year was 1940, when his armies invaded Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Holland, and Belgium and defeated France ... By mid 1942, his country controlled the largest land area in Europe… He refused to surrender and continued to fight for two more years, but,..."
The Voice of Palestine, official PA radio station
Nov 27, 2007
* Islamic Republic of Iran - Ahmadinejad *
From Incitement to Indictment? Prosecuting Iran's President for Advocating Israel's Destruction and Piecing Together Incitement Law's Emerging Analytical Framework - Scholarly Commons
by GS Gordon · 2008
On October 25, 2005, at an anti-Zionism conference in Tehran, Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, called for Israel to "be wiped off the face of the map" -- the first in a series of incendiary speeches arguably advocating liquidation of the Jewish state. Certain commentators contend that these statements constitute direct and public incitement to commit genocide.
* Islamic Republic of Iran *
Qods Day In Iran: Tehran Calls For Annihilation Of Israel And For Arming ...
Jul 25, 2014 — Also, Basij commander Mohammad Reza Naqdi called for finding a way "to end the story of the Zionist regime" with a military defense alliance
* Hamas *
Gaza Sermon on Hamas TV: Annihilation of the Jews Will Be Achieved by the Muslims
#2511 | 02:27
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza)
Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered by a Hamas-affiliated preacher from Jabalya, Gaza, on June 11, 2010, and aired on Al-Aqsa TV.
Hamas: Killing Jews is worship of Allah | PMW Analysis - Palestinian Media Watch
Nov 27, 2012 — Hamas: Killing Jews is a religious act in worship of Allah, broadcast during the conflict between Gaza and Israel. (Nov. 27, 2012
Wiesenthal Centre Alert: "Hamas Charter 'Fatwa' to Murder all Jews Still in Effect"
Jul 14, 2019 — "On 25th anniversary of the Iranian controlled Hizbollah AMIA Buenos Aires Jewish Centre bombing leaving 85 dead and over 300 wounded, ..
'A Fatwa for Genocide' – Wiesenthal center slams Hamas charter - The Jerusalem Post
Jul 14, 2019 — The Gaza terrorist group's charter includes a section with an accepted Islamic oral tradition calling on Muslims to murder Jews on the
Hamas Official: Annihilating Israel Will Heal the World | MEMRI
Dec 12, 2020 — Hamas Political Bureau Member Fathi Hamad: The Annihilation Of Monstrous State Of Israel Would Heal The World Of All Corruption, ...
* PA, PLO, Fatah *
PLO children's magazine glorifies Hitler
Essay in Zayzafuna youth magazine glorifies Hitler: “One hot day, I was very tired after a hard day… and suddenly I saw four white doors in front of me. I opened them in no particular order... I turned to the next door; there Hitler awaited me. I said, 'You're the one who killed the Jews?' He...”
Zayzafuna, PA-funded youth magazine
Feb 1, 2011
Palestinian named for Hitler
“Commissioner of the Scout [Movement] in the Hebron district, Hitler Abu Hammad, called to increase the number of activities that serve society and highlight the Scouts’ important voluntary role in Palestinian society.”
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, official PA daily
Apr 8, 2014
PA daily op-ed lauds Nazism: "Had Hitler won, Nazism would be an honor"
Op-ed by Hassan Ouda Abu Zaher: "'History is a great lie written by the victors' - said Napoleon Bonaparte, the source of dubious historical writing and father of Freemasonry in France. If so, is the history planted in us through TV and the standard educational curriculum indeed true? The source of..."
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, official PA daily
Mar 18, 2013
Fatah youth performs Nazi salute at Fatah ceremony
Published on Facebook page of the Dalal Mughrabi Magazine, an electronic “magazine” published by the Culture Committee of the Fatah Shabiba student movement at the Birzeit University MC reads and crowd repeats oath: “I swear by Allah the great, I swear by my honor and faith, that I will be loyal to...”
Dalal Mughrabi Magazine, Facebook
Apr 17, 2015
Senior Fatah official: "Hitler wasn't morally corrupt, he was daring"
Fatah Central Committee Member Tawfiq Tirawi: "There is a difference between an officer's discipline and loyalty to a leader. The leader could be morally corrupt." Ma'an host: "And how would you know?" Fatah Central Committee Member Tawfiq Tirawi: "You have to know. Is there anyone who does not..."
Ma'an, independent Palestinian news agency
Jan 19, 2016
* PA's Abbas *
Abbas's comment about a state without Jews was racist' - The Jerusalem Post
May 30, 2011 — 'Abbas's comment about a state without Jews was racist'. Steinitz: I remind everyone that Abbas denied the Holocaust in his doctoral..
Abbas Envisions Palestinian State Without Jews |
Jul 30, 2013 — It was not the first time that a Palestinian leader called publicly for a state without Jews, but the timing of... Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud
The record of aggression, the Arab design for Israel's annihilation. July, 1967, p.3
Driving the Jews into the sea: Cover of a Syrian-textbook A soldier [Israeli] browses with pleasure in a Syrian newspaper. At the main page - a cartoon showing the Syrian army sending the Zionists |
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